scent out

scent out
разг. разузнать, пронюхать The police scented out the criminals' hiding place. ≈ Полиция разузнала, где собираются преступники.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scent out" в других словарях:

  • scent out — verb To find by following a scent. Be careful what you do, rejoined another mans voice that I did not know, lest someone see you digging, and scent us out. Syn: sniff out …   Wiktionary

  • scent out — verb recognize or detect by or as if by smelling He can smell out trouble • Syn: ↑sniff out, ↑smell out, ↑nose out • Entailment: ↑smell • Verb Frames: Some …   Useful english dictionary

  • scent out — v. recognize as if by smelling; detect as if by smelling …   English contemporary dictionary

  • scent — n. & v. n. 1 a distinctive, esp. pleasant, smell (the scent of hay). 2 a a scent trail left by an animal perceptible to hounds etc. b clues etc. that can be followed like a scent trail (lost the scent in Paris). c the power of detecting or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scent hound — Scent hounds (Scenthounds) are a type of hound that primarily hunts by scent rather than sight. The Scenthound breeds are generally regarded as having some of the most sensitive noses among canines. Scenthounds specialize in following a smell or… …   Wikipedia

  • scent — [n] smell, aroma aura, balm, bouquet, essence, fragrance, incense, odor, perfume, redolence, spice, tang, track, trail, whiff; concept 599 Ant. odor, stench, stink scent [v] detect, smell be on the track of*, be on the trail of*, discern, get… …   New thesaurus

  • Out of Africa (film) — Out of Africa Theatrical release poster Directed by Sydney Pollack Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Scent of a Woman — Infobox Film name = Scent of a Woman caption = A promotional film poster for Scent of a Woman . director = Martin Brest producer = Ovidio G. Assonitis Martin Brest G. Mac Brown Ronald L. Schwary writer = Giovanni Arpino (novel) Bo Goldman… …   Wikipedia

  • scent — 1. noun 1) the scent of freshly cut hay Syn: smell, fragrance, aroma, perfume, savour, odour 2) a bottle of scent Syn: perfume, fragrance, eau de toilette, eau de cologne 3) …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • Scent of Love — Infobox Korean film name = Scent of Love caption = Theatrical poster director = Lee Jeong wook producer = Jeong Tae won writer = Kim Hui jae Lee Jeong wook starring = Jang Jin young Park Hae il Song Seon mi Kim Yu seok music = Moon Dae hyeon… …   Wikipedia

  • scent — [14] Scent comes ultimately from the same source that gave English sensation, sense, sentient, and sentiment – namely, Latin sentīre ‘feel, perceive’. It arrived via Old French sentir, and at first was sent in English (‘Fishes lurking among the… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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