scene graph

scene graph
граф сцены (в системах технического зрения)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scene graph" в других словарях:

  • Scene graph — A scene graph is a general data structure commonly used by vector based graphics editing applications and modern computer games. Examples of such programs include AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, Acrobat 3D, OpenSceneGraph and CorelDRAW.The scene… …   Wikipedia

  • cin´e|mat´o|graph´i|cal|ly — cin|e|mat|o|graph|ic «SIHN uh MAT uh GRAF ihk», adjective. of or having to do with a cinematograph or cinematography: »This mute scene, already regarded here as a new cinematographic classic, is the film s climax (New Yorker).… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cin|e|mat|o|graph|ic — «SIHN uh MAT uh GRAF ihk», adjective. of or having to do with a cinematograph or cinematography: »This mute scene, already regarded here as a new cinematographic classic, is the film s climax (New Yorker). –cin´e|mat´o|graph´i|cal|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • OpenGL++ — was intended to be a powerful layer above the OpenGL 3D graphics system written in C++ that supported object oriented data structures. The project started as the result of a partnership between SGI, IBM and Intel (and later Digital Equipment… …   Wikipedia

  • Java 3D — Infobox Software name = Java 3D caption = developer = Sun Microsystems latest release version = 1.5.2 latest release date = xx xxxx, 2008 latest preview version = latest preview date = operating system = Cross platform genre = 3D computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Visualization Library — infobox software name = Visualization Library genre = 3D graphics latest release version = Alpha 1 operating system = Cross platform license = GNU GPL 3 website = [… …   Wikipedia

  • Fahrenheit graphics API — Fahrenheit was an effort to create a unified high level API for 3D computer graphics to unify Direct3D and OpenGL. It was designed primarily by Microsoft and SGI and also included work from an HP MS joint effort. Much of the original Fahrenheit… …   Wikipedia

  • QuickDraw 3D — QuickDraw 3D, or QD3D for short, is a 3D graphics API developed by Apple Computer starting in 1995, originally for their Macintosh computers, but delivered as a cross platform system.QD3D provided a high level API with a rich set of 3D primitives …   Wikipedia

  • Panda3D — infobox software developed by = Disney latest release version = 1.5.3 latest preview version = 1.5.4 latest release date = September 18, 2008 operating system = Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X genre = Game Engine license = Revised BSD(… …   Wikipedia

  • OpenGL — Original author(s) Silicon Graphics Developer(s) Khronos Group Stable release 4.2 …   Wikipedia

  • Open Inventor — Open Inventor, originally IRIS Inventor, is a C++ object oriented retained mode 3D graphics API designed by SGI to provide a higher layer of programming for OpenGL. Its main goals are better programmer convenience and efficiency. Contents 1 Early …   Wikipedia

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