scatter plot
Смотреть что такое "scatter plot" в других словарях:
scatter plot — noun A type of display using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data … Wiktionary
scatter diagram — ➔ diagram * * * scatter diagram UK US noun [C] (also scatter chart, also scattergram, also scatter graph, also scatter plot) GRAPHS & CHARTS … Financial and business terms
Plot (graphics) — Scatterplot of the eruption interval for Old Faithful (a geyser). A plot is a graphical technique for representing a data set, usually as a graph showing the relationship between two or more variables. The plot can be drawn by hand or by a… … Wikipedia
scatter diagram — (also scatter plot or scattergram) noun Statistics a graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present … English new terms dictionary
scatter diagram — Statistics. a graphic representation of bivariate data as a set of points in the plane that have Cartesian coordinates equal to corresponding values of the two variates. Also called scattergram /skat euhr gram /, scattergraph /skat euhr graf ,… … Universalium
scatter diagrams — Sometimes referred to as ‘scattergrams’, these are two dimensional representations of the relationship between pairs of variables , achieved by plotting each individual case on a graph as in the hypothetical example shown below. The diagram thus… … Dictionary of sociology
Partial regression plot — In applied statistics, a partial regression plot attempts to show the effect of adding an additional variable to the model (given that one or more indpendent variables are already in the model). Partial regression plots are also referred to as… … Wikipedia
Partial residual plot — In applied statistics, a partial residual plot is a graphical technique that attempts to show the relationship between a given independent variable and the response variable given that other independent variables are also in the… … Wikipedia
Q-Q plot — Not to be confused with P P plot. A normal Q Q plot of randomly generated, independent standard exponential data, (X Exp(1)). This Q Q plot compares a sample of data on the vertical axis to a statistical population on the horizontal… … Wikipedia
Dual-flashlight plot — showing a high throughput screening dataset. In statistics, a dual flashlight plot is a type of scatter plot in which the standardized mean (SMCV) is plotted against the mean of a contrast variable representing a comparison of interest .[1] The… … Wikipedia
Galbraith plot — In statistics, a Galbraith plot (also known as Galbraith s radial plot or just radial plot), is one way of displaying several estimates of the same quantity that have different standard errors. [cite journal |last= Galbraith |first= Rex|year=… … Wikipedia