Смотреть что такое "scarifying" в других словарях:
scarifying — index critical (faultfinding) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Scarifying — Scarify Scar i*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scarified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scarifying}.] [F. scarifier, L. scarificare, scarifare, fr. Gr. ? to scratch up, fr. ? a pointed instrument.] 1. To scratch or cut the skin of; esp. (Med.), to make small… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scarifying — scar·i·fy || skerɪfaɪ / skeÉ™r v. cause a scar; make small cuts or scratches in the skin; crush, break up the surface layer of something (e.g. ground before planting); criticize sharply … English contemporary dictionary
scarifying — adjective informal frighten. → scarify … English new terms dictionary
Dethatcher — Tow tine dethatchers can be attached to garden tractors A dethatcher, or lawn scarifier is a device that removes thatch from lawns. Types of dethatchers include motorized dethatchers or those that can be pulled behind a garden tractor. Thatch… … Wikipedia
scarify — scarify1 [ skarɪfʌɪ, skɛ:rɪ ] verb (scarifies, scarifying, scarified) 1》 cut and remove debris from (a lawn). 2》 break up the surface of (soil or a road or pavement). 3》 make shallow incisions in (the skin), as a medical procedure or traditional… … English new terms dictionary
scarification — noun Date: 14th century 1. the act or process of scarifying 2. a mark or marks made by scarifying … New Collegiate Dictionary
scarification — /skar euh fi kay sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of scarifying. 2. the result of scarifying; a scratch or scratches. [1350 1400; ME scarificacioun < LL scarification (s. of scarificatio). See SCARIFY, ATION] * * * also called Cicatrization, … … Universalium
scarification — The making of a number of superficial incisions in the skin. [L. scarifico, to scratch, fr. G. skariphos, a style for sketching] * * * scar·i·fi·ca·tion .skar ə fə kā shən, .sker n 1) the act or process of scarifying <vaccination by… … Medical dictionary
scar — 1. noun 1) the scar on his left cheek Syn: cicatrix, mark, blemish, disfigurement, discoloration, defacement; pockmark, pock, pit; lesion, stigma; birthmark, nevus; (scars) stigmata 2) … Thesaurus of popular words
scarification — /skærəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (say skaruhfuh kayshuhn), /skɛər / (say skairr ) noun 1. the act of scarifying. 2. the result of scarifying; a scratch or scratches …