Смотреть что такое "scarf-skin" в других словарях:
scarf|skin — «SKAHRF SKIHN», noun. the outer layer of skin; epidermis. ╂[< scarf1, in the sense of light outer covering” + skin] … Useful english dictionary
scarf skin — n. outermost layer of skin, epidermis … English contemporary dictionary
scarf-skin — noun archaic the thin outer layer of the skin … English new terms dictionary
scarf-skin — … Useful english dictionary
scarf — 1. n. (pl. scarves or scarfs) a square, triangular, or esp. long narrow strip of material worn round the neck, over the shoulders, or tied round the head (of a woman), for warmth or ornament. Phrases and idioms: scarf pin (or ring) Brit. an… … Useful english dictionary
skin — n 1. integument, epidermis, cuticle, scarf skin, Anat. corium, derma, cutis; hide, pelt, jacket, fleece, fell, fur, leather, vellum, shagreen; slough, Pathol. desquamation, exuviae. 2. rind, peel, Bot. epicarp, hull, bark, cortex, shell, husk;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
scarf — scarf1 scarfless, adj. scarflike, adj. /skahrf/, n., pl. scarfs, scarves /skahrvz/, v. n. 1. a long, broad strip of wool, silk, lace, or other material worn about the neck, shoulders, or head, for ornament or protection against cold, drafts,… … Universalium
scarf — I. /skaf / (say skahf) noun (plural scarfs or scarves /skavz / (say skahvz)) 1. a long, broad strip of silk, wool, lace, etc., worn about the neck, shoulders, or head for ornament or warmth. 2. → headscarf. –verb (t) 3. to cover or wrap with, or… …
scarf´er — scarf1 «skahrf», noun, plural scarfs or scarves, verb. –n. 1. a) a long, broad strip of silk, lace, or other material, worn about the neck, shoulders, head, or waist. b) = muffler (def. 2). (Cf. ↑muffler) 2. a long strip of linen, etc., used as a … Useful english dictionary
scarfskin — scarf·skin skärf .skin n EPIDERMIS esp that forming the cuticle of a nail … Medical dictionary
Scarfskin — Scarf skin , n. (Anat.) See {Epidermis}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English