scanning pattern
Смотреть что такое "scanning pattern" в других словарях:
Scanning probe lithography — describe a set of lithographic methods in which a microscopic or nanoscopic stylus is moved mechanically across a surface to form a pattern.This type of method can be split in two different groups : : Constructive In which the patterning is done… … Wikipedia
scanning electron microscope — n. a type of electron microscope in which a moving electron beam is used to scan an object causing it to emit secondary electrons which form a pattern that produces a three dimensional image on the screen of a cathode ray tube … English World dictionary
Scanning tunneling microscope — Image of reconstruction on a clean Gold(100) surface … Wikipedia
Scanning electron microscope — These pollen grains taken on an SEM show the characteristic depth of field of SEM micrographs … Wikipedia
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy — Retinal image of a left eye via Optos Optomap. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) is a method of examination of the eye. It uses the technique of confocal laser scanning microscopy for diagnostic imaging of retina or cornea of the human eye. As… … Wikipedia
Scanning acoustic microscope — A Scanning Acoustic Microscope (SAM) is a device which uses focused sound to investigate, measure, or image an object (a process called Scanning Acoustic Tomography). It is commonly used in failure analysis and non destructive evaluation. It also … Wikipedia
scanning — In radar, the motion of the radar antenna assembly when searching for targets. Scanning usually follows a systematic pattern involving one or more of the following: i. In horizontal scanning (or search lighting), the antenna is continuously… … Aviation dictionary
scanning — Synonyms and related words: EDP, Stabreim, alliterative meter, analyzing, antispastic, automatic tracking, cadenced, classifying, collating, computer technology, computer typesetting, computing, dactylic, data processing, data retrieval, data… … Moby Thesaurus
scanning transmission electron microscopy — (= STEM) Method of electron microscopy in which image formation depends upon analysis of the pattern of energies of electrons that pass through the specimen. Has comparable resolving power to conventional transmission EM … Dictionary of molecular biology
Conical scanning — is a system used in early radar units to improve their accuracy, as well as making it easier to steer the antenna properly to point at a target. Conical scanning is similar in concept to the earlier lobe switching concept used on some of the… … Wikipedia
Confocal laser scanning microscopy — (CLSM or LSCM) is a technique for obtaining high resolution optical images with depth selectivity.[1] The key feature of confocal microscopy is its ability to acquire in focus images from selected depths, a process known as optical sectioning.… … Wikipedia