scale pan
Смотреть что такое "scale pan" в других словарях:
scale|pan — «SKAYL PAN», noun. either one of the dishes or pans of a balance: »... naughty mice who won t stay on the scalepan while their food intake is being measured (New Scientist) … Useful english dictionary
Pan-nationalism — is a form of nationalism distinguished by the large scale of the claimed national territory, and because it often defines the nation on the basis of a ‘’cluster’’ of cultures and ethnic groups. It shares the general nationalist ideology, that the … Wikipedia
Pan-STARRS — logo The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan STARRS) is a planned array of astronomical cameras and telescopes and computing facility that will survey the sky on a continual basis, including accurate astrometry and… … Wikipedia
Pan-Slavism — was a movement in the mid 19th century aimed at unity of all the Slavic peoples. The main focus was in the Balkans where the South Slavs had been ruled and oppressed for centuries by the three great empires, Austria Hungary, the Ottoman Empire… … Wikipedia
scale — 1. n. & v. n. 1 each of the small thin bony or horny overlapping plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles. 2 something resembling a fish scale, esp.: a a pod or husk. b a flake of skin; a scab. c a rudimentary leaf, feather, or bract. d… … Useful english dictionary
PAN.OPTIKUM — Action Theatre is a theatre ensemble based in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Contents 1 History 2 Productions 3 Awards 4 External links … Wikipedia
Pan American Games — Organizations Charter • PASO • NOCs • Symbols Sports • Competitors Medal tables • Medalists • Ceremonies The Pan American or Pan American Games (also known colloquially as the Pan Am Games) a … Wikipedia
Pan-Germanism — ( de. Pangermanismus or Alldeutsche Bewegung) was a political movement of the 19th century aiming for unity of the German speaking peoples of Europe. Origins Pan Germanism s origins began in the early 1800s following the Napoleonic Wars. The wars … Wikipedia
Pan Am International Flight Academy — (PAIFA) is the only remaining division of the once iconic Pan Am Airlines, forced into bankruptcy in 1991 after the infamous terrorist attack on Pan Am Flight 103 [ [http://www.atlantic detail.php?recordID=599 Atlantic Times on… … Wikipedia
pan|to|graph — «PAN tuh graf, grahf», noun. 1. an instrument for the mechanical copying of plans, drawings, etc., on any scale desired. It consists of a framework of slender, jointed metal rods which simultaneously reproduce a line or circle drawn by the… … Useful english dictionary
scale — {{11}}scale (n.1) skin plates on fish or snakes, c.1300, from O.Fr. escale (12c., Mod.Fr. écale) scale, husk, from Frankish or some other Germanic source, from P.Gmc. *skælo split, divide (Cf. O.H.G. scala shell, Goth. skalja tile, O.E. scealu… … Etymology dictionary