scale of surveying
Смотреть что такое "scale of surveying" в других словарях:
surveying — /seuhr vay ing/, n. 1. the science or scientific method of making surveys of land. 2. the occupation of one who makes land surveys. 3. the act of one who surveys: The surveying required nearly two days. [1425 75; late ME: act of examining… … Universalium
Surveying — For other uses, see Survey (disambiguation). US Navy Surveyor at work with a leveling instrument … Wikipedia
Scale (map) — The scale of a map is defined as the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground. If the region of the map is small enough for the curvature of the Earth to be neglected, then the scale may be taken as a constant… … Wikipedia
surveying sextant — noun : a light sextant with a large scale used in hydrographic surveying … Useful english dictionary
Vernier scale — A vernier scale is an additional scale which allows a distance or angle measurement to be read more precisely than directly reading a uniformly divided straight or circular measurement scale. It is a sliding secondary scale that is used to… … Wikipedia
Plane scale — Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plane surveying — Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Benchmark (surveying) — An Ordnance Survey cut mark in the UK This article is about the use of bench marks in surveying, for other uses see Benchmark. The term bench mark, or benchmark, originates from the chiseled horizontal marks that surveyors made in stone… … Wikipedia
Traverse (surveying) — Traverse is a method in the field of surveying to establish control networks. [citebook|title=Surveying|author= B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain|year=2005|publisher=Firewall Media|id=ISBN 8170088534] It is also used in geodetic work. Traverse… … Wikipedia
Gunter's scale — Gun ter s scale A scale invented by the Rev. Edmund Gunter (1581 1626), a professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London, who invented also {Gunter s chain}, and {Gunter s quadrant}. [1913 Webster] Note: Gunter s scale is a wooden rule, two… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Triangulation — In trigonometry and geometry, triangulation is the process of determining the location of a point by measuring angles to it from known points at either end of a fixed baseline, rather than measuring distances to the point directly. The point can… … Wikipedia