scale conversion
Смотреть что такое "scale conversion" в других словарях:
Conversion therapy — Conversion therapy, sometimes called reparative therapy or reorientation therapy, is one type of sexual orientation change effort that attempts to change the sexual orientation of a person from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual.[1] These… … Wikipedia
Conversion disorder — Classification and external resources ICD 10 F44 ICD 9 300.11 … Wikipedia
scale up — Conversion of a process, such as fermentation of a micro organism, from a small laboratory scale to a larger industrial scale … Glossary of Biotechnology
Conversion (law) — For other uses of the word conversion , see Conversion. Conversion is a common law tort. A conversion is a voluntary act by one person inconsistent with the ownership rights of another.[1] It is a tort of strict liability.[2] Its criminal… … Wikipedia
Scale model — A scale model of the Tower of London. This model can be found inside the tower … Wikipedia
Conversion optimization — In internet marketing, conversion optimization, or conversion rate optimization is the method of creating an experience for a website or landing page visitor with the goal of increasing the percentage of visitors that convert into customers. It… … Wikipedia
Conversion of Jews to Catholicism during the Holocaust — The conversion of Jews to Catholicism during the Holocaust is one of the most controversial aspects of the record of Pope Pius XII during The Holocaust. According to Morley, one of the principal concerns of the Vatican, especially in the early… … Wikipedia
Conversion of units of temperature — This is a compendium of temperature conversion formulæ and comparisons. Contents 1 Kelvin 2 Celsius (Centigrade) 3 Fahrenheit 4 Rankine … Wikipedia
conversion scale — vertimo mastelis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Mastelis (skalė), rodantis santykį tarp dviejų skirtingų matavimo vienetų. atitikmenys: angl. conversion scale pranc. échelle de conversion … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Conversion of units of energy — The SI unit for energy is the joule. The kilowatt hour, or kilowatt hour, (symbol kW·h, kW h or kWh) is equal to 3.6 megajoules. The large calorie, kilogram calorie, dietary calorie or food calorie (symbol: Cal) approximates the energy… … Wikipedia
scale — The ratio or fraction between the distance on a map, chart, or photograph and the corresponding distance on the surface of the Earth. See also conversion scale; graphic scale; photographic scale; principal scale … Military dictionary