Scalding — may refer to:* Scald injury * Scalding (cooking) … Wikipedia
scalding — index caustic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
scalding — scald|ing [ˈsko:ldıŋ US ˈsko:l ] adj 1.) also scalding hot extremely hot ▪ a bowl of scalding water ▪ a cup of scalding hot tea 2.) literary scalding tears feel hot on your skin ▪ Scalding tears poured down her face … Dictionary of contemporary English
scalding — adjective Date: 13th century 1. hot enough to scald < scalding water > 2. a. having or producing the feeling of being burned < scalding sun > < scalding sand > b. scathing < scalding criticism > … New Collegiate Dictionary
scalding — scald|ing [ skɔldıŋ ] adjective 1. ) very hot: scalding water/tea/coffee scalding hot: a scalding hot bath 2. ) FORMAL very severe: a scalding attack on the government s policies … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
scalding — [[t]skɔ͟ːldɪŋ[/t]] ADJ Scalding or scalding hot liquids are extremely hot. I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding. ...scalding hot water … English dictionary
scalding — UK [ˈskɔːldɪŋ] / US [ˈskɔldɪŋ] adjective 1) very hot scalding water/tea/coffee scalding hot: a scalding hot bath 2) formal very severe a scalding attack on the government s policies … English dictionary
scalding — scald·ing (skôlʹdĭng) adj. 1. Causing a burning sensation, as from contact with hot liquid. 2. Boiling: scalding water. 3. Scorching; searing: scalding sunlight. 4. Harshly critical or denunciatory; scathing: a scalding review of the play. … … Universalium
Scalding — Scald Scald, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scalded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scalding}.] [OF. eschalder, eschauder, escauder, F. [ e]chauder, fr. L. excaldare; ex + caldus, calidus, warm, hot. See {Ex}, and {Caldron}.] 1. To burn with hot liquid or steam; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scalding — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. Scalding is used with these nouns: ↑tea {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adv. Scalding is used with these adjectives: ↑hot … Collocations dictionary
scalding — adjective 1 extremely hot: a cup of scalding tea 2 scalding criticism is very severe … Longman dictionary of contemporary English