scalar form

scalar form
мат. скалярная форма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scalar form" в других словарях:

  • scalar form — skaliarinis pavidalas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. scalar form vok. skalare Form, f rus. скалярная форма, f pranc. forme scalaire, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Scalar-tensor theory — Scalar tensor theories are theories that include a scalar field as well as a tensor field to represent an interaction, especially the gravitational one. Tensor fields and field theory Modern physics tries to derive all physical theories from as… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar field theory — In theoretical physics, scalar field theory can refer to a classical or quantum theory of scalar fields. A field which is invariant under any Lorentz transformation is called a scalar , in contrast to a vector or tensor field. The quanta of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar curvature — In Riemannian geometry, the scalar curvature (or Ricci scalar) is the simplest curvature invariant of a Riemannian manifold. To each point on a Riemannian manifold, it assigns a single real number determined by the intrinsic geometry of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar (mathematics) — In linear algebra, real numbers are called scalars and relate to vectors in a vector space through the operation of scalar multiplication, in which a vector can be multiplied by a number to produce another vector.More generally, the scalars… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar field — In mathematics and physics, a scalar field associates a scalar value, which can be either mathematical in definition, or physical, to every point in space. Scalar fields are often used in physics, for instance to indicate the temperature… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar field solution — In general relativity, a scalar field solution is an exact solution of the Einstein field equation in which the gravitational field is due entirely to the field energy and In general relativity, the geometric setting for physical phenomena is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar field theory (pseudoscience) — For the quantum mechanical scalar field theory which is a field theory of spinless particles, see Scalar field theory Scalar field theory (SFT) is a set of theories in a model which posits that there is a basic mechanism that produces the… …   Wikipedia

  • skalare Form — skaliarinis pavidalas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. scalar form vok. skalare Form, f rus. скалярная форма, f pranc. forme scalaire, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Static single assignment form — In compiler design, static single assignment form (often abbreviated as SSA form or SSA) is an intermediate representation (IR) in which every variable is assigned exactly once. Existing variables in the original IR are split into versions , new… …   Wikipedia

  • Volume form — In mathematics, a volume form is a nowhere zero differential n form on an n manifold. Every volume form defines a measure on the manifold, and thus a means to calculate volumes in a generalized sense. A manifold has a volume form if and only if… …   Wikipedia

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