- saxophone
- ˈsæksəfəun сущ.
1) саксофон (духовой музыкальный инструмент)
2) саксофонист саксофон
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Saxophone — An alto saxophone in E♭ Classification Wind Woodwind Aerophone Hornbostel–Sachs classification … Wikipedia
saxophone — [ saksɔfɔn ] n. m. • 1843; de Sax, nom de l inventeur, et phone ♦ Instrument à vent en cuivre, à anche simple et à clés, muni d un bec semblable à celui de la clarinette. ⇒ sax, saxo. Saxophone ténor, saxophone alto. ● saxophone nom masculin (de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
saxophone — 1851, from Fr. saxophone, named for Antoine Joseph Adolphe Sax (1814 1894), Belgian instrument maker who devised it c.1840 + Gk. phonos voiced, sounding. His father, Charles Joseph (1791 1865) invented the less popular saxhorn (1845) … Etymology dictionary
Saxophone — Sax o*phone, n. [A.A.J. Sax, the inventor (see {Saxhorn}) + Gr. ? tone.] (Mus.) A wind instrument of brass, containing a reed, and partaking of the qualities both of a brass instrument and of a clarinet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saxophōne — Saxophōne, der Name verschiedener von dem Instrumentenmacher Adolphe Sax (geb. 1814 in Dinant in Belgien) erfundener Blech Blasinstrumente, welche mit dem Clarinettenschnabel angeblasen werden … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
saxophone — ► NOUN ▪ a member of a family of metal wind instruments with a reed like a clarinet, used especially in jazz and dance music. DERIVATIVES saxophonic adjective saxophonist noun. ORIGIN named after the Belgian instrument maker Adolphe Sax (1814 94) … English terms dictionary
saxophone — [sak′sə fōn΄] n. [Fr, after A. J. Sax (see SAXHORN) + PHONE] any of a group of keyed woodwind instruments having a single reed, conical bore, and metal body, usually curved saxophonic [sak′səfän′ik] adj. saxophonist [sak′səfōn΄ist] n … English World dictionary
Saxophone — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Saxophone (homonymie). Saxophone un saxophone alto moderne … Wikipédia en Français
saxophone — saxophonic /sak seuh fon ik/, adj. saxophonist, n. /sak seuh fohn /, n. a musical wind instrument consisting of a conical, usually brass tube with keys or valves and a mouthpiece with one reed. [1850 55; Sax (see SAXHORN) + O + PHONE] * * *… … Universalium
Saxophone — Antoine Joseph Sax (1814 1894), better known as Adolphe, was bom in Dinant, Belgium. His father was a distinguished instrument maker and cabinetmaker. Of the eleven children in the family, Adolphe showed the greatest aptitude while training in … Dictionary of eponyms
saxophone — [19] The saxophone commemorates the name of its inventor, the Belgian musical instrument maker Adolphe Sax (1814–94) (his real Christian names were Antoine Joseph). He seems to have devised it around 1840, and the term saxophone first appeared in … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins