Смотреть что такое "saw-shape" в других словарях:
saw — saw1 [sô] n. [ME sawe < OE sagu, akin to Ger säge, Du zaag < IE base * sek , to cut, > L secare, to cut, OE seax, knife] 1. a) a cutting tool, of various shapes and sizes and worked by hand or machinery, consisting essentially of a thin… … English World dictionary
Saw — For other uses, see Saw (disambiguation). Saw A crosscut hand saw about 620 mm (24 inches) long Classification Cutting Types Hand saw Back saw Bow saw Circular saw … Wikipedia
Shape memory alloy — A shape memory alloy (SMA, also known as a smart alloy, memory metal, or muscle wire) is an alloy that remembers its shape, and can be returned to that shape after being deformed, by applying heat to the alloy. When the shape memory effect is… … Wikipedia
Shape-memory alloy — A shape memory alloy (SMA, smart metal, memory metal, memory alloy, muscle wire, smart alloy) is an alloy that remembers its original, cold forged shape: returning the pre deformed shape by heating. This material is a lightweight, solid state… … Wikipedia
Saw pit — A saw pit or sawpit is a pit over which lumber is positioned to be sawed with a long two handled saw by two men, one standing above the timber and the other below. [ sawpit ] and… … Wikipedia
shape — shapable, shapeable, adj. /shayp/, n., v., shaped, shaping. n. 1. the quality of a distinct object or body in having an external surface or outline of specific form or figure. 2. this quality as found in some individual object or body form: This… … Universalium
Saw (film) — Infobox Film name =Saw caption = Saw film poster director =James Wan producer =Gregg Hoffman Oren Koules Mark Burg writer =James Wan (uncredited) Leigh Whannell starring =Cary Elwes Leigh Whannell Danny Glover Monica Potter Michael Emerson Tobin… … Wikipedia
saw-toothed — /ˈsɔ tuθt/ (say saw toohtht) adjective having a shape or profile similar to the teeth of a saw …
saw timber — Trees of such size, shape, and kind as to be susceptible of conversion to lumber. Anno: 72 ALR2d 740. Trees of all varieties from which suitable articles can be made, or which can be used to advantage in any class of manufacture or construction.… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Band saw box — Band saw boxes are boxes made out of wood using only a band saw for cutting them out. The wood may be a solid block, a laminated block or a log from the woodpile. Whereas most boxes have straight sides and square corners, band saw boxes have… … Wikipedia
Band saw — A band saw uses a blade consisting of a band of toothed metal, and may be powered by wind, water, steam, electrical motor or animal power. The band rides on two wheels rotating in the same plane. Band saws can be used for woodworking, metal… … Wikipedia