saturation percentage

saturation percentage
процент водонасыщения грунта

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "saturation percentage" в других словарях:

  • Saturation vapor density — (SVD) is a concept closely tied with saturation vapor pressure. It is useful for getting an exact quantity of water vapor in the air from a relative humidity (RH). Given an RH percentage, the density of water in the air is given by RH * SVD =… …   Wikipedia

  • Saturation (chemistry) — In chemistry, saturation (from the Latin word saturare, meaning to fill[1]) has six different meanings, all based on reaching a maximum capacity In physical chemistry, saturation is the point at which a solution of a substance can dissolve no… …   Wikipedia

  • saturation factor — noun : a measure of the saturation of a magnetizable body that is the ratio of a small percentage increase in excitation to the percentage increase in magnetic flux produced thereby and that is usually applied to the magnetic excitation of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • saturation — sat·u·ra·tion || ‚sætʃə reɪʃn n. act of soaking, act of filling to capacity; state of being soaked, state of being filled to capacity; purity of tint, percentage of white in a given color …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Percentage saturation — Степень насыщенности в процентах …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Oxygen saturation — or dissolved oxygen (DO) is a relative measure of the amount of oxygen that is dissolved or carried in a given medium. It can be measured with a dissolved oxygen probe such as an oxygen sensor or an optode in liquid media, usually water. It has… …   Wikipedia

  • Market saturation — Logistic growth is an example for a bounded growth which is limited by saturation: The graph shows an imaginary market with logistic growth. In that example, the blue curve depicts the development of the size of that market. The red curve… …   Wikipedia

  • Transferrin saturation — Transferrin saturation, measured as a percentage, is a medical laboratory value. It is the ratio of serum iron and total iron binding capacity, multiplied by 100. For an explanation of some clinical situations in which this ratio is important,… …   Wikipedia

  • percent saturation —    The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of (a) the volume of some fluid (water, gas, or oil) to (b) the total volume of intergranular space (voids) in a given porous medium. Synonymous with degree of saturation [22] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Appliance Saturation —   The percentage of households or buildings in a service area that have the type of equipment to which the demand side technology applies. For example, if 50 percent of the residential customers have a central air conditioner, the appliance… …   Energy terms

  • oxygen saturation — a measure of the degree to which oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, usually measured by a pulse oximeter, given as a percentage calculated by dividing the maximum oxygen capacity into the actual oxygen content and multiplying by 100 …   Medical dictionary

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