Смотреть что такое "satins" в других словарях:
satins — sat·in || sætɪn n. type of fabric with a shiny finish and a soft texture … English contemporary dictionary
The Five Satins — Infobox musical artist Name = The Five Satins Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Birth name = Alias = Born = Died = Origin = New Haven, Connecticut, United States Instrument = Genre = Doo wop Occupation = Years active =… … Wikipedia
Five Satins — The Five Satins sind eine US amerikanische Doo Wop Gruppe. Ihr größter Hit war 1956 In the Still of the Night. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Karriere 2 Auszeichnungen 3 Einzelnachweise 4 Weblinks // … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Five Satins — sind eine US amerikanische Doo Wop Gruppe. Ihr größter Hit war 1956 In the Still of the Night. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Karriere 2 Auszeichnungen 3 Einzelnachweise 4 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Del-Satins — were an American vocal group in the 1960s who recorded on their own but are best remembered for their harmonies on hit records for Dion and others.The group was formed in 1958 in Manhattan, New York through a merger of two existing street corner… … Wikipedia
Mok-Satins — (spr. Mocksättins), starke, steife, glänzende Wollenzeuge, dem seidenen Satin nachgeahmt, Art wollenen Damasts, von atlasartigem Ansehn; die Muster u. Blumen sind dunkler u. nicht so bunt wie bei dem Satin; bes. in Norwich verfertigt … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
satin — {{hw}}{{satin}}{{/hw}}s. m. inv. (pl. franc. satins ) Tessuto di cotone che imita all apparenza e al tatto la seta. ETIMOLOGIA: dal franc. satin, dall arabo Zaitum, nome della città cinese in cui veniva prodotto … Enciclopedia di italiano
satin — [ satɛ̃ ] n. m. • XIVe; esp. acetuni, cetuni, ar. zaituni « de la ville de Tsia Toung (Zaitun) » en Chine 1 ♦ Étoffe de soie, moelleuse et lustrée sur l endroit, sans trame apparente. Le brillant, le chatoiement du satin. « L impératrice était… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Johnny Maestro & The Brooklyn Bridge — Infobox musical artist 2 Name = Johnny Maestro Background = group or band Img capt = The original line up of The Brooklyn Bridge Alias = The Brooklyn Bridge Origin = flagicon|USA NYC, New York, United States Genre = Doo Wop, R B, Pop, Rock Years… … Wikipedia
Lost Nite Records — was a reissue record label that was founded by Jerry Greene and Jared Weinstein in the early 1960s. Disc jockey Jerry Blavat was a partner in label until the late 1960s, at which time he sold back his interest in the company to Greene and… … Wikipedia
In the Still of the Night (1956 song) — In The Still of The Night is a song written by Fred Parris and recorded by his Five Satins. Although the single was only a moderate hit, peaking at #24 on the national pop charts and #3 on the R B race charts (Billboard s chart designation for R… … Wikipedia