- sarsaparilla
- сарсапарелль, сарсапарель (ботаника) сарсапарель, сассапариль (Smilax) экстракт сарсапарели (лечебное средство) шипучий напиток с экстрактом сарсапарели
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sarsaparilla — [sas΄pə ril′ə, särs΄pə ril′ə; sär΄səril′ə] n. [Sp zarzaparrilla < zarza, bramble + parrilla, dim. of parra, vine] 1. any of a number of tropical American, spiny, woody vines (genus Smilax) of the lily family, with large, fragrant roots and… … English World dictionary
Sarsaparilla — Sar sa*pa*ril la, n. [Sp. zarzaparrilla; zarza a bramble (perhaps fr. Bisc. zartzia) + parra a vine, or Parillo, a physician said to have discovered it.] (Bot.) (a) Any plant of several tropical American species of {Smilax}. (b) The bitter… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sarsaparilla — Sarsaparilla, 1) Sassaparille; Sarsaparillae radix (Sarsae radix, Sarsaparillwurzel), s. ebd.; 2) Deutsche S., so v.w. Carex arenaria … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sarsaparilla — tropical American plant, 1570s, from Sp. zarzaparrilla, from zarza bramble (from Arabic sharas thorny plant or Basque sartzia bramble ) + parrilla, dim. of parra vine, of unknown origin. In 16c. 17c. the dried roots were held to be efficient in… … Etymology dictionary
sarsaparilla — ► NOUN 1) a preparation of the dried roots of various plants, used to flavour drinks and medicines and formerly as a tonic. 2) a sweet drink flavoured with this. ORIGIN Spanish zarzaparilla, from zarza bramble + parra vine … English terms dictionary
Sarsaparilla — Taxobox color = lightgreen divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Liliopsida ordo = Liliales familia = Smilacaceae genus = Smilax species = S. regelii binomial = Smilax regelii binomial authority = Killip Morton synonyms = Smilax ornata Hook.f.: For… … Wikipedia
sarsaparilla — /sas peuh ril euh, sahr seuh peuh , sahr speuh /, n. 1. any of various climbing or trailing tropical American plants belonging to the genus Smilax, of the lily family, having alternate leaves, umbels of flowers, and a root that has been used in… … Universalium
sarsaparilla — /saspəˈrɪlə / (say sahspuh riluh) noun 1. any of various climbing or trailing plants of the widely distributed genus Smilax, having a root which has been much used in medicine as an alterant. 2. Also, native sarsaparilla. any of several plants,… …
sarsaparilla — Regelio sarsaparilis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Sarsaparilinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Smilax regelii), paplitęs Centrinėje ir Pietų Amerikoje. Iš jo gaminami maisto priedai (kvėpikliai). atitikmenys: lot … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
sarsaparilla — noun Etymology: Spanish zarzaparrilla, from zarza bush + parrilla, diminutive of parra vine Date: 1577 1. a. any of various tropical American greenbriers b. the dried roots of a sarsaparilla used especially as a flavoring 2. any of various plants … New Collegiate Dictionary
sarsaparilla — The dried root of Smilax aristolochiaefolia (Mexican s.), S. regelii (Honduras s.), S. febrifuga (Ecuadorian s.), or of undetermined species of Smilax (family Liliaceae), a thorny vine widely distributed throughout the tropical and semitropical… … Medical dictionary