Смотреть что такое "sapwood" в других словарях:
Sapwood — may refer to: Sapwood, the part of living wood where sap flows, as distinct from the heartwood, where it doesn t SS 6 Sapwood, the NATO reporting name for the R 7 Semyorka intercontinental ballistic missile This disambiguation page lists articles … Wikipedia
Sapwood — Sap wood , n. (Bot.) The alburnum, or part of the wood of any exogenous tree next to the bark, being that portion of the tree through which the sap flows most freely; distinguished from {heartwood}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sapwood — ► NOUN ▪ the soft outer layers of new wood between the heartwood and the bark … English terms dictionary
sapwood — [sap′wood΄] n. the soft wood between the inner bark of a tree and the heartwood, serving to conduct water and sap … English World dictionary
Sapwood — Die R 7 (Semjorka, russisch Семёрка) war die weltweit erste Interkontinentalrakete. Sie ist bis heute als im wesentlichen unveränderte Sojus im Einsatz und ist die zuverlässigste und am meisten eingesetzte Trägerrakete in der Raumfahrt überhaupt … Deutsch Wikipedia
sapwood — /sap wood /, n. Bot. the softer part of the wood between the inner bark and the heartwood. Also called alburnum. [1785 95; SAP1 + WOOD1] * * * ▪ xylem layer also called alburnum outer, living layers of the secondary wood of trees, which… … Universalium
sapwood — noun The wood just under the bark of a stem or branch, different in color from the heartwood A popular myth is that sapwood is not as strong as heartwood … Wiktionary
sapwood — /ˈsæpwʊd/ (say sapwood) noun in a woody plant, the softer part of the wood between the inner bark and the heartwood. {sap1 + wood1} …
sapwood — noun Date: 1791 the younger softer living or physiologically active outer portion of wood that lies between the cambium and the heartwood and is more permeable, less durable, and usually lighter in color than the heartwood … New Collegiate Dictionary
sapwood — sap|wood [ˈsæpwud] n [U] the younger outer wood in a tree, that is paler and softer than the wood in the middle … Dictionary of contemporary English
Sapwood — Soviet SS 6 intercontinental ballistic missile … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games