Смотреть что такое "saponify" в других словарях:
Saponify — Sa*pon i*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Saponified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Saponifying}.] [L. sapo, onis, soap + fy: cf. F. saponifier.] To convert into soap, as tallow or any fat; hence (Chem.), to subject to any similar process, as that which ethereal… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saponify — ► VERB (saponifies, saponified) Chemistry ▪ turn (fat or oil) into soap by reaction with an alkali. DERIVATIVES saponification noun. ORIGIN from Latin sapo soap … English terms dictionary
saponify — [sə pän′ə fī΄] vt. saponified, saponifying [Fr saponifier < L sapo (gen. saponis), soap (< Gmc * saipo > OE sape, SOAP) + Fr fier, FY] to subject to saponification; specif., to convert (a fat) into soap by reaction with an alkali vi. to… … English World dictionary
saponify — verb ( fied; fying) Etymology: French saponifier, from Latin sapon , sapo Date: 1821 transitive verb to convert (as fat) into soap; specifically to hydrolyze (a fat) with alkali to form a soap and glycerol intransitive verb to undergo saponifying … New Collegiate Dictionary
saponify — saponifiable, adj. saponification, n. saponifier, n. /seuh pon euh fuy /, v., saponified, saponifying. Chem. v.t. 1. to convert (a fat) into soap by treating with an alkali. 2. to decompose (any ester), forming the corresponding alcohol and acid… … Universalium
saponify — verb a) to convert a fat or oil into soap; to be converted into soap b) to hydrolyze an ester using an alkali … Wiktionary
saponify — To perform or undergo saponification. * * * sa·pon·i·fy sə pän ə .fī vb, fied; fy·ing vt to convert (as a fat or fatty acid) into soap: subject to saponification vi to undergo saponification * * * sa·pon·i·fy (sə ponґĭ fi) to produce 1 … Medical dictionary
saponify — sa·pon·i·fy || sÉ™ pÉ‘nɪfaɪ / pÉ’ v. convert into soap … English contemporary dictionary
saponify — To turn into soap by decomposition with alkali … Glossary of Art Terms
saponify — [sə pɒnɪfʌɪ] verb (saponifies, saponifying, saponified) Chemistry turn (fat or oil) into soap by reaction with an alkali. ↘convert (any ester) into an alcohol and a salt by alkaline hydrolysis. Derivatives saponifiable adjective saponification… … English new terms dictionary
saponify — sa·pon·i·fy … English syllables