sansculotte — (French sans culotte, without breeches ) In the French Revolution, one of the ill clad and ill equipped volunteers of the Revolutionary army; also a Parisian ultrademocrat of the Revolution. The working class sansculottes wore long trousers to… … Universalium
Sansculotte — Die Sansculottes, 1789 Mit Sansculottes (auch dt. Sansculotten, von franz. ohne Kniebundhose, Culotte, selbst abgeleitet von cul – „Boden“, „Hintern“) wurden in der Zeit der Französischen Revolution (1789–1799) die Pariser Arbeiter und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sansculotte — noun Etymology: French sans culotte, literally, without breeches Date: 1790 1. an extreme radical republican in France at the time of the French Revolution 2. a radical or violent extremist in politics • sansculottic adjective • sansculottish… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sansculotte — noun a) person who lacks culture and refinement b) lower class person … Wiktionary
Sansculotte — Sans|cu|lot|te [sãsky lɔt(ə) ], der; n, n […tn̩] [frz. sans culotte, eigtl. = ohne Kniehose, ↑ Culotte]: Proletarier, proletarischer Revolutionär der Französischen Revolution. * * * Sans|cu|lot|te [sãsky lɔt(ə)], der; , n [̩; frz. sans… … Universal-Lexikon
Sansculotte — Sans|cu|lọt|te 〈 [sãky ] m.; Gen.: n, Pl.: n; Politik〉 während der Französ. Revolution Spottname für die proletar. Revolutionäre, weil sie keine Kniehosen wie die höheren Stände, sondern lange Hosen trugen [Etym.: <frz. sans culotte »ohne… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Sansculotte — Sans|cu|lot|te [sãsky lɔtə] der; n, n <aus gleichbed. fr. sans culotte, eigtl. »ohne Kniehose«, urspr. Spottname, da die Revolutionäre mit langen Hosen (pantalons) anstelle der von den Aristokraten getragenen Kniehosen (culottes) bekleidet… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
sansculotte — (In French, sans culotte.) Without breeches ; an extreme revolutionary or republican. French revolutionaries were so called because they wore pantaloons rather than breeches … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
sansculotte — n. (French) extreme radical republican in France during the Revolution; violent and strong extremist in politics … English contemporary dictionary
sansculotte — (sanh kü LOT) [French: without knee breeches] Originally, a term of contempt applied by aristocrats to anyone belonging to the poorer class of French revolutionaries in 1789; the name comes from the fact that such people dressed in long… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
sansculotte — sans·cu·lotte … English syllables