Смотреть что такое "sandsoap" в других словарях:
sandsoap — noun Date: 1853 a gritty soap for all purpose cleaning … New Collegiate Dictionary
sandsoap — /ˈsændsoʊp / (say sandsohp) noun a soap with mildly abrasive power used especially for cleaning tables, boards, wooden floors, etc …
sandsoap — n. heavy duty gritty soap. * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: sand (I) + soap : a gritty soap for all purpose cleaning … Useful english dictionary
Driza-Bone — Driza Bone, originating from the phrase dry as a bone , is a trade name for the company making full length waterproof riding coats and apparel. The company was established in 1898 and is currently Australian owned and manufactures its products in … Wikipedia