sandal foot
Смотреть что такое "sandal foot" в других словарях:
Sandal — San dal, n. [F. sandale, L. sandalium, Gr. ?, dim. of ?, probably from Per. sandal.] (a) A kind of shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the foot; a protection for the foot, covering its lower surface, but not its upper. (b) A kind of slipper.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sandal — ► NOUN ▪ a shoe with an openwork upper or straps attaching the sole to the foot. DERIVATIVES sandalled (US sandaled) adjective. ORIGIN Greek sandalon wooden shoe … English terms dictionary
sandal — sandal1 [san′dəl] n. [ME sandalie < L sandalium < Gr sandalion, dim. of sandalon] 1. a kind of footwear consisting of a sole fastened in various ways to the foot by straps over the instep or toes, or around the ankle 2. any of various low… … English World dictionary
Sandal — This article is about the type of footwear. For other uses, see Sandal (disambiguation). Sandals redirects here. For the Caribbean luxury resorts operator, see Sandals Resorts. High heeled sandals … Wikipedia
Sandal (footwear) — Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer s foot by straps or thongs passing over the instep and around the ankle. While the distinction between sandals and other types of footwear can sometimes be blurry (as… … Wikipedia
sandal — sandal1 /san dl/, n., v., sandaled, sandaling or (esp. Brit.) sandalled, sandalling. n. 1. a shoe consisting of a sole of leather or other material fastened to the foot by thongs or straps. 2. any of various low shoes or slippers. 3. a light, low … Universalium
sandal — san•dal [[t]ˈsæn dl[/t]] n. v. daled, dal•ing (esp. brit.) dalled, dal•ling. 1) clo a shoe consisting of a sole of leather or other material fastened to the foot by thongs or straps 2) clo any of various low shoes or slippers 3) clo a band or… … From formal English to slang
sandal — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a light shoe with an openwork upper or no upper, attached to the foot usu. by straps. 2 a strap for fastening a low shoe, passing over the instep or around the ankle. (sandalled, sandalling; US sandaled, sandaling) 1 (esp.… … Useful english dictionary
sandal — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin sandalium, from Greek sandalion, diminutive of sandalon sandal Date: 14th century 1. a shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the foot 2. a low cut shoe that fastens by an ankle strap 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
sandal — I. /ˈsændl / (say sandl) noun 1. a kind of shoe, consisting of a sole of leather or other material fastened to the foot by thongs or straps. 2. any of various kinds of low shoes or slippers. 3. a band for fastening a low shoe or slipper on, by… …
sandal — noun A type of open shoe made up of straps or bands holding a sole to the foot … Wiktionary