sand-hydraulic fracturing of formation

sand-hydraulic fracturing of formation
гидравлический разрыв пласта с расклиниванием трещин песком

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sand-hydraulic fracturing of formation" в других словарях:

  • Hydraulic fracturing — is a method used to create fractures that extend from a borehole into rock formations, which are typically maintained by a proppant. The method is informally called fracing or hydrofrac. The technique is used to increase or restore the rate which …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic Fracturing — refers to the procedure of creating fractures in rocks and rock formations by injecting a mixture of sand and water into the cracks to force underground to open further. The larger fissures allow more oil and gas to flow out of the formation and… …   Investment dictionary

  • Hydraulic fracturing — is fractures formation in gas , oil , water saturated and other rocks under the pressure of the fed fluid. The operation is performed in a well in order to increase extraction rates by means of the multi hole drainage system made as a result of… …   Glossary of Oil and Gas

  • Marcellus Formation — Stratigraphic range: Middle Devonian …   Wikipedia

  • гидравлический разрыв пласта с расклиниванием трещин песком — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN sand hydraulic fracturing of formation …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Completion (oil and gas wells) — This article is about the oil or gas well completion. For other uses of completion, see Completion (disambiguation) In petroleum production, completion is the process of making a well ready for production (or injection). This principally involves …   Wikipedia

  • Fracturation hydraulique — La « fracturation hydraulique » est la dislocation ciblée de formations géologiques peu perméables[1]’[2] par le moyen de l injection sous très haute pression d un fluide destiné à fissurer et micro fissurer la roche. Cette fracturation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Natural gas — For other uses, see Natural gas (disambiguation). Natural gas extraction by countries in cubic meters per year. Natural gas is a naturally occurring gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, typically with 0–20% higher hydrocarbons[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Shale gas — may also refer to gas generated from oil shaleShale gas is natural gas produced from shale. Because shales ordinarily have insufficient permeability to allow significant fluid flow to a well bore, most shales are not sources of natural gas. Shale …   Wikipedia

  • Oil well — The pumpjack, such as this one located south of Midland, Texas, is a common sight in West Texas. An oil well is a general term for any boring through the earth s surface that is designed to find and acquire petroleum oil hydrocarbons. Usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Oilfield terminology — refers to the jargon used by those working in fields within and related to the petroleum industry. It includes words and phrases describing professions, equipment, and procedures specific to the industry. It may also include slang terms used by… …   Wikipedia

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