Смотреть что такое "sand-binder" в других словарях:
sand-binder — sandˈ binder noun A plant whose roots or rootstocks fix shifting sands • • • Main Entry: ↑sand … Useful english dictionary
sand binder — noun : a grass or other plant that grows in sand which it holds in place by its rootstocks and roots * * * sand binder, any plant which serves to bind or fix shifting sands … Useful english dictionary
sand-binder — /ˈsænd baɪndə/ (say sand buynduh) noun any plant which can successfully grow in and stabilise loose sand, as the marram grass, Ammophila arenaria …
Sand casting — Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material. It is relatively cheap and sufficiently refractory even for steel foundry use. A suitable bonding agent (usually clay)… … Wikipedia
Sand — /sand/; Fr. /sahonnd/, n. George /jawrj/; Fr. /zhawrddzh/ (Lucile Aurore Dupin Dudevant), 1804 76, French novelist. * * * I Mineral, rock, or soil particles that are 0. 0008–0.08 in. (0.02–2 mm) in diameter. Most rock forming minerals are found… … Universalium
Sand — 1. Aus Sand dreht (kann) man keinen Strick (drehen). – Winckler, XII, 47; Simrock, 8698. 2. Dat is n raren Sand, se(de) de Feling, as he in de Klei kwam (oder kêm). (Ostfries.) – Bueren, 273; Eichwald, 468; Frommann, II, 537, 160; Hoefer, 267;… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
sand — sandable, adj. sandless, adj. sandlike, adj. /sand/, n. 1. the more or less fine debris of rocks, consisting of small, loose grains, often of quartz. 2. Usually, sands. a tract or region composed principally of sand. 3. the sand or a grain of… … Universalium
sand bluestem — noun Date: circa 1946 a tall rhizomatous North American grass (Andropogon hallii syn. A. gerardii var. paucipilus) that is a dominant grass of the originally tallgrass prairies and is used for forage and as a soil binder compare bluestem 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Reinhard Binder — (* 17. Oktober 1955) ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Fußballspieler, der von 1978 bis 1984 als Aktiver des SC Freiburg in der 2. Fußball Bundesliga 219 Spiele bestritten und dabei 18 Tore erzielt hat. Laufbahn Ab dem achten Lebensjahr durchlief… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dry sand — noun 1. : foundry sand artificially dried after being made into a mold distinguished from greensand 2. : a sand not producing oil or gas * * * dry sand, sand containing a special binder, the surface of which is dried with an open flame, used in… … Useful english dictionary
green|sand — «GREEN SAND», noun. 1. a variety of sandstone containing a silicate of iron and potassium (glauconite) that gives it a greenish color. It is used as a water softener. 2. a mixture of sand, clay, water, and a binder to hold the sand grains… … Useful english dictionary