sand table

sand table
горн. песковый стол

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sand table" в других словарях:

  • Sand table — is a somewhat generic name for using constrained sand for modeling or educational purposes. The original version of a sand table seems to be the abax used by early Greek students. AbaxAn abax was a table covered with sand commonly used by… …   Wikipedia

  • sand table — sand′ ta ble n. 1) a table with raised edges holding sand for children to play with 2) mil a table holding a scale model of a tract of land, made of hardened sand, used for training in gunnery or military tactics • Etymology: 1805–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • sand table — noun 1. a. : a usually reinforced table with raised edges holding sand for children to mold b. : a table bearing a relief model of a section of terrain built to scale of hardened sand that usually reproduces the contours, streams, trees, and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sand table — 1. a table with raised edges holding sand for children to play with. 2. Mil. a table holding a scale model of a tract of land, including trees, streams, buildings, etc., made of hardened sand, used for training in gunnery or tactics. [1805 15] *… …   Universalium

  • sand table — noun Date: 1812 1. a table holding sand for children to mold 2. a table bearing a relief model of a terrain built to scale for study or demonstration especially of military tactics …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sand table — /ˈsænd teɪbəl/ (say sand taybuhl) noun a large, shallow wooden tray filled with sand on which can be modelled, in scale, tracts of land, towns, etc., and used for gunnery and tactics …  

  • sand table — mound of sand used for practice …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sand trap — noun a hazard on a golf course • Syn: ↑bunker, ↑trap • Derivationally related forms: ↑bunker (for: ↑bunker) • Hypernyms: ↑hazard …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sand-based athletic fields — are sporting grounds constructed on sand, which have certain advantages over those built on native soils. Highly maintained areas of turf, such as those on an athletic field or on golf greens and tees, can be grown in native soil or sand based… …   Wikipedia

  • Table shuffleboard — (also known as American shuffleboard or indoor shuffleboard or Shufflepuck) is a game in which players push metal and plastic weighted pucks (also called weights ) down a long and smooth wooden table into a scoring area at the opposite end of the …   Wikipedia

  • Sand Bay Resort — (Dillon,Канада) Категория отеля: Адрес: 80 Sand Bay Road, P0G 1G0 Dillon, Канада …   Каталог отелей

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