sand strainer
Смотреть что такое "sand strainer" в других словарях:
песочный фильтр — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN sand filtersand strainer … Справочник технического переводчика
Swimming pool sanitation — articleissues refimprove = January 2008 technical = August 2008Swimming pool sanitation refers to both visual clarity and levels of microflora, such as bacteria and viruses in swimming pools. The goal of sanitation is to prevent the spread of… … Wikipedia
Dishwasher — This article is about the appliance. For manual dishwashing, see dishwashing. For the video game of the same name, see The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. [1] … Wikipedia
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
Seafood boil — is the generic term for any number of different kinds of social events in which shellfish is the central element. Regional variations dictate the kinds of seafood, the accompaniments and side dishes, and the preparation techniques (boiling,… … Wikipedia
Tube well — A Tube well as the name implies is simply a tube or pipe bored into the underground reservoir, fitted with a strainer at the lower end and worked at the top by a pump, to lift water for irrigation.A Tube well is type of water well in which a long … Wikipedia
Filter — Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other liquid may … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Filter bed — Filter Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Filter gallery — Filter Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
infiltration gallery — Filter Fil ter, n. [F. filtre, the same word as feutre felt, LL. filtrum, feltrum, felt, fulled wool, this being used for straining liquors. See {Feuter}.] Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ceremonial object — ▪ religion Introduction any object used in a ritual or a religious ceremony. Throughout the history of religions and cultures, objects used in cults, rituals, and sacred ceremonies have almost always been of both utilitarian and symbolic… … Universalium