sand problem

sand problem
осложнение, вызванное поступлением из скважины песка вместе с жидкостью

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sand problem" в других словарях:

  • Sand casting — Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material. It is relatively cheap and sufficiently refractory even for steel foundry use. A suitable bonding agent (usually clay)… …   Wikipedia

  • Sand-based athletic fields — are sporting grounds constructed on sand, which have certain advantages over those built on native soils. Highly maintained areas of turf, such as those on an athletic field or on golf greens and tees, can be grown in native soil or sand based… …   Wikipedia

  • Sand — [zant], der; [e]s, e: Substanz, die durch Verwitterung von Gestein entstanden ist und aus feinen Körnern besteht: gelber, weißer, feiner, grober Sand; die Kinder spielen im Sand; aus verschiedenen Sanden (Sorten von Sand) bestehender Boden. Zus …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Sand mining — is a practice that is becoming an ecological problem as the demand for sand increases in industry and construction. Sand is mined from beaches and inland dunes and dredged from ocean beds and river beds. It is often used in manufacturing as an… …   Wikipedia

  • Sand filter — Sand filters are used for water purification. There are three main types; # rapid (gravity) sand filters # upflow sand filters # slow sand filters All three methods are used extensively in the water industry throughout the world. The first two… …   Wikipedia

  • Sand im Getriebe — Getriebe mit vier Gliedern: Antriebsritzel u. re., Zwischenrad li. und Abtriebsrad o. re., sowie Gestell / Rahmen Getriebe sind bewegliche Verbindungen von Teilen zum Übertragen und Umwandeln von Drehbewegungen. Für verschiedene Bauarten wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sand — sand1 [ sænd ] noun *** 1. ) uncount a loose pale brown substance that you find at a beach or in the desert, formed from very small pieces of rock: The children spent most of the morning playing in the sand. a grain of sand 2. ) sands plural an… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Gelber Sand — über Ostasien am 21. März 2001 Gelber Sand verdeckt die Sonne über Aizu Wakamatsu, Japan am 2. April 2007 Gelber Sand (auch Asia …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bury your head in the sand — phrase to ignore a problem or an unpleasant situation and hope that it will disappear Her parents had been burying their heads in the sand about the problem. Thesaurus: to pretend something is not happening or is not the casesynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lines in the Sand (House) — This page refers to the TV episode, for other uses of this phrase, see the Lines in the Sand disambiguation page House (TV series) episode episode name = Lines in the Sand episode no = HOU 304 airdate = September 26 2006 writer = David Hoselton… …   Wikipedia

  • Cronulla sand dunes, Kurnell Peninsula — Looking over the dunes, south towards Cronulla. The Cronulla sand dunes are located on the Kurnell Peninsula in the local government area of Sutherland Shire, Sydney Australia. The Cronulla sand dunes are a protected area that became listed on… …   Wikipedia

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