sand cement
Смотреть что такое "sand cement" в других словарях:
Cement — In the most general sense of the word, a cement is a binder, a substance which sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The name cement goes back to the Romans who used the term opus caementicium to describe masonry… … Wikipedia
Cement render — Cement rendering is the application of a thin premixed surface ofsand, cement and lime to brick, cement, stone or mud brick. It isoften textured, coloured or painted after application. It isgenerally used on exterior walls but can be used to… … Wikipedia
Sand — /sand/; Fr. /sahonnd/, n. George /jawrj/; Fr. /zhawrddzh/ (Lucile Aurore Dupin Dudevant), 1804 76, French novelist. * * * I Mineral, rock, or soil particles that are 0. 0008–0.08 in. (0.02–2 mm) in diameter. Most rock forming minerals are found… … Universalium
cement — [sə ment′] n. [ME & OFr ciment < L caementum, rough stone, chippings < * caedimentum < caedere, to cut down: see CIDE] 1. a) a powdered substance made of burned lime and clay, mixed with water and sand to make mortar or with water, sand … English World dictionary
Cement — (Cäment, v. lat.), 1) jede Materie, wodurch feste Substanzen, wenn jene aus dem Zustand der Erweichung selbst in einen festen tritt, verbunden werden; 2) bes. Kitt, wodurch zerbrochenes Porzellan, Glas u. irdenes Geschirr wieder hergestellt, od.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sand|stone — «SAND STOHN», noun. a kind of sedimentary rock formed mostly of sand, the grains being held together by a natural cement of silica, calcite, iron oxide, or the like. »Before the use of Portland cement and reinforced concrete, sandstone was widely … Useful english dictionary
cement gun — noun An apparatus for spraying fine concrete or cement mortar • • • Main Entry: ↑cement * * * cement gun, a machine used to apply a mixture of cement, sand, and water under pneumatic pressure, used especially in construction and repair of masonry … Useful english dictionary
cement mixer — cement mixers N COUNT A cement mixer is a machine with a large revolving container into which builders put cement, sand, and water in order to make concrete … English dictionary
cement — [n] gluing, binding material adhesive, binder, birdlime, bond, concrete, epoxy, glue, grout, gum, gunk*, lime, lute, mortar, mucilage, mud*, paste, plaster, putty, rubber cement, sand, sealant, size, solder, stickum*, tar; concept 475 cement [v]… … New thesaurus
sand-sprayed — /sand sprayd /, adj. Building Trades. noting an exterior wall finish composed of mortar to which is added a mixture of sand and cement in equal parts while the mortar is still wet. * * * … Universalium
sand-sprayed — /sand sprayd /, adj. Building Trades. noting an exterior wall finish composed of mortar to which is added a mixture of sand and cement in equal parts while the mortar is still wet … Useful english dictionary