sampling experiment

sampling experiment
выборочный эксперимент

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sampling experiment" в других словарях:

  • Sampling (statistics) — Sampling is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of individual observations intended to yield some knowledge about a population of concern, especially for the purposes of statistical inference. Each observation measures… …   Wikipedia

  • Experiment — Experimental redirects here. For the musical classification, see Experimental music. For other uses, see Experiment (disambiguation). Even very young children perform rudimentary experiments in order to learn about the world. An experiment is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Latin hypercube sampling — (LHS) is a statistical method for generating a distribution of plausible collections of parameter values from a multidimensional distribution. The sampling method is often applied in uncertainty analysis. The technique was first described by… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural experiment — A natural experiment is an observational study in which the assignment of treatments to subjects has been haphazard: That is, the assignment of treatments has been made by nature , but not by experimenters. Thus, a natural experiment is not a… …   Wikipedia

  • Blind experiment — A blind or blinded experiment is a scientific experiment where some of the people involved are prevented from knowing certain information that might lead to conscious or subconscious bias on their part, invalidating the results. For example, when …   Wikipedia

  • Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment — The Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) is a research program of the World Climate Research Programme intended to observe, comprehend and models the Earth s water cycle. The experiment also observes how much energy the Earth receives …   Wikipedia

  • ATLAS experiment — ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) is one of the six particle detector experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, TOTEM, LHCb, and LHCf) constructed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a new particle accelerator at the European Organization for Nuclear… …   Wikipedia

  • Importance sampling — In statistics, importance sampling is a general technique for estimating the properties of a particular distribution, while only having samples generated from a different distribution rather than the distribution of interest. Depending on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Field experiment — A field experiment applies the scientific method to experimentally examine an intervention in the real world (or as many experimental economists like to say, naturally occurring environments) rather than in the laboratory. Field experiments, like …   Wikipedia

  • University of California Citrus Experiment Station — The UC Citrus Experiment Station is the founding unit of the University of California, Riverside campus, which contributed greatly to the cultivation of the orange and agriculture industry in California. It recently celebrated its 100th… …   Wikipedia

  • Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment — MSRE plant diagram The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) was an experimental molten salt reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) researching this technology through the 1960s; constructed by 1964, it went critical in 1965 and was… …   Wikipedia

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