sample difference

sample difference
мат. выборочная разность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sample difference" в других словарях:

  • Sample size determination — is the act of choosing the number of observations to include in a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. In practice, the sample …   Wikipedia

  • Difference gel electrophoresis — (DIGE) is a form of gel electrophoresis where up to three different protein samples can be labeled with fluorescent dyes (for example Cy3, Cy5, Cy2) prior to two dimensional electrophoresis. After the gel electrophoresis, the gel is scanned with… …   Wikipedia

  • Sample-based synthesis — is a form of audio synthesis that can be contrasted to either subtractive synthesis or additive synthesis. The principal difference with sample based synthesis is that the seed waveforms are sampled sounds or instruments instead of fundamental… …   Wikipedia

  • Sample mean and sample covariance — are statistics computed from a collection of data, thought of as being random.ample mean and covarianceGiven a random sample extstyle mathbf{x} {1},ldots,mathbf{x} {N} from an extstyle n dimensional random variable extstyle mathbf{X} (i.e.,… …   Wikipedia

  • Difference in differences — (DID) (sometimes Diff in Diffs ) is a quasi experimental technique used in econometrics that measures the effect of a treatment at a given period in time. It is often used to measure the change induced by a particular treatment or event, though… …   Wikipedia

  • Sample size — The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically denoted n , a positive integer (natural number).Typically, all else being equal, a larger sample size leads to increased precision in… …   Wikipedia

  • Difference of Gaussians — In computer vision, Difference of Gaussians is a grayscale image enhancement algorithm that involves the subtraction of one blurred version of an original grayscale image from another, less blurred version of the original. The blurred images are… …   Wikipedia

  • Difference between chemistry and physics — Marie Curie is the only individual to be awarded Nobel Prizes in both chemistry and physics Chemistry and physics are branches of science that both study matter. The difference in the two lies in the scope and in the approach. Consequently,… …   Wikipedia

  • difference — The magnitude or degree by which one quality or quantity differs from another of the same kind. alveolar arterial oxygen d. the d. or gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar spaces and the arterial blood : P( …   Medical dictionary

  • Mean difference — The mean difference is a measure of statistical dispersion equal to the average absolute difference of two independent values drawn from a probability distribution. A related statistic is the relative mean difference, which is the mean difference …   Wikipedia

  • Finite difference — A finite difference is a mathematical expression of the form f(x + b) − f(x + a). If a finite difference is divided by b − a, one gets a difference quotient. The approximation of derivatives by finite differences… …   Wikipedia

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