same that

same that

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "same that" в других словарях:

  • Same-sex marriage and procreation — is an issue that lawmakers and judges have used to determine whether or not same sex marriage is legal. One such use occurred in the 2006 Washington state Supreme Court decision, Andersen v. King County [… …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex relationships in Australia — Same sex marriages are currently not recognised under Australian federal law and, since 2004, the Marriage Act 1961 was redefined to explicitly recognise marriage as being the union of a man and a woman . Under section 51(xxi) [ [http://scaleplus …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex marriage legislation around the world — Same sex relationships legal …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex marriage in California — Same sex marriage is valid and recognized in California. California is the second U.S. state, after Massachusetts, to make marriage licenses available to same sex couples. The status of same sex marriage in California has been a contentious… …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex unions in the United States — are legally recognized in some states and municipalities in various forms. These are same sex marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, and reciprocal beneficiary relationships. Legally recognized same sex unions can be formed in nine states …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex marriage in New Mexico — Same sex marriages are not performed in the state of New Mexico, which also does not provide civil unions or domestic partnerships. New Mexico is one of three states (the others being New York and Rhode Island)… …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex marriage in Rhode Island — Same sex marriages cannot currently be performed under the laws of the state of Rhode Island. However, several bills are pending before the Rhode Island General Assembly which would provide for same sex marriage and civil unions under Rhode… …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex marriage in France — Same sex marriage is not legal in France. As of 2006, one same sex marriage ceremony has been conducted in France and was declared void. France has a statute authorizing civil unions, known as PACS, between same sex and unmarried opposite sex… …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex marriage in Alberta — Same sex marriage in Alberta: The province of Alberta began granting marriage licences to same sex couples on July 20, 2005 upon the granting of Royal Assent to the Civil Marriage Act. Alberta has historically been Canada s most conservative… …   Wikipedia

  • Same-sex marriage in Washington — Same sex marriage is not recognized in Washington state. The Washington Supreme Court would have made Washington the second U.S. state to recognize these unions if it had decided differently in two cases that had been consolidated for appeal.… …   Wikipedia

  • That Mitchell and Webb Look — Format Comedy sketch show Starring David Mitchell Robert …   Wikipedia

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