Смотреть что такое "samara" в других словарях:
Samara — may refer to:Geography*Samara Oblast, an oblast of Russia *Samara, Russia, a city on the eastern bank of the Volga River, Russia *Samara Bend, the largest bend of the Volga River *Samara Reservoir, an informal name of Kuybyshev Reservoir on the… … Wikipedia
Sámara — Sámara, situated along the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica s Guanacaste Province, has long been a favorite vacation spot for both Costa Ricans and foreigners. The town itself is rather small (approximately 1500 full time residents, including close by … Wikipedia
samară — SAMÁRĂ, samare, s.f. Tip de fruct uscat, cu o singură sămânţă, prevăzut cu o aripă subţire (la ulm, arţar, paltin etc.). – Din fr. samare. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 17.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 SAMÁRĂ s. v. coamă, creastă, culme. Trimis de siveco, 13 … Dicționar Român
Sámara — puede referirse a: Sámara, población de la provincia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Sámara, fruto seco de algunas angiospermas. Samara Morgan Personaje ficticio de las películas The Ring (2002 2005). Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos… … Wikipedia Español
Samara — (Кап Ферре,Франция) Категория отеля: Адрес: 38, boulevard des Mimosas, 33950 Кап Ферре, Фран … Каталог отелей
samara — ● samara nom masculin (mot persan) En Afrique, sandale constituée d une semelle plate et d une lanière qui se glisse entre les deux premiers orteils. samara n. f. (Afr. subsah.) Syn. de sandale. samara [samaʀa] n. f. ÉTYM. D. i.; mot persan, par… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Samara — Sa*ma ra (? or ?), n. [L. samara, samera, the seed of the elm.] (Bot.) A dry, indehiscent, usually one seeded, winged fruit, as that of the ash, maple, and elm; a key or key fruit. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Samára — Samára. 1) L. Nebenfluß des Dnjepr in den russ. Gouv. Charkow und Jekaterinoslaw, 310 km lg. – 2) L. Nebenfluß der Wolga im Gouv. Samara, 560 km lg … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
SAMARA — State University (Russia, … Acronyms
Samara — Самара (Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian), Samara (German, Azeri), Kujbišev (Slovene, former name), Kuybyshev (former name) … Names of cities in different languages
SAMARA — State University (Russia, … Acronyms von A bis Z