- salt pork
- соленая свинина соленое свиное сало, шпик
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Salt pork — is a pork product made from pork bellies, cured with salt as a preservative and flavoring. [ [http://www.answers.com/salt%20pork Salt pork] from Answers.com] It is similar to bacon but considerably fattier and saltier. It was long used as a… … Wikipedia
salt pork — n. pork cured in salt; esp., fatty pork from the back, side, or belly of a hog … English World dictionary
salt pork — salt′ pork′ n. coo the fat pork from the back, sides, and belly, cured with salt • Etymology: 1715–25 … From formal English to slang
salt pork — noun fat from the back and sides and belly of a hog carcass cured with salt • Hypernyms: ↑pork, ↑porc • Hyponyms: ↑fatback, ↑sowbelly * * * noun : pork cured in salt or brine; specifically … Useful english dictionary
salt pork — {n.} Very fat pork that has been packed in salt or dipped in brine for curing. * /Mother cooked beans with salt pork for supper./ … Dictionary of American idioms
salt pork — {n.} Very fat pork that has been packed in salt or dipped in brine for curing. * /Mother cooked beans with salt pork for supper./ … Dictionary of American idioms
salt\ pork — noun Very fat pork that has been packed in salt or dipped in brine for curing. Mother cooked beans with salt pork for supper … Словарь американских идиом
salt pork — Pua a pa akai, pua a kāpī. ♦ To salt pork, kāpī pua a … English-Hawaiian dictionary
salt pork — pork cured with salt, esp. the fat pork taken from the back, sides, and belly. [1715 25] * * * … Universalium
salt pork — pork fat from taken from the belly or back or sides of a pig and cured with salt … English contemporary dictionary
salt pork — noun Date: 1708 fat pork cured in salt or brine … New Collegiate Dictionary