- salicyl
1) салицил
2) салициловый
3) ортооксибензин
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Salicyl — Sal i*cyl, n. [Salicin + yl.] (Chem.) The hypothetical radical of salicylic acid and of certain related compounds. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Salicyl — (Spiroyl, Spiril, Salicoyl), ein hypothetisches, organisches, sauerstoffhaltiges Radical, welches im Salicin, dem Spiräaöl (salicylige Säure) u. Gaultheriaöl (salicylsaures Methyloxyd) vorkommt u. eine Reihe interessanter Verbindungen u.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
salicyl — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż III, D. u, blm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 8}}pot. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} salicylan sodowy, stosowany jako środek przeciwbólowy, przeciwgorączkowy i przeciwreumatyczny {{/stl 7}}{{stl… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
salicyl- — salicil statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Grupė. formulė HOC₆H₄CH₂– atitikmenys: angl. salicyl rus. салицил ryšiai: sinonimas – 2 hidroksibenzil … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
salicyl- — combining form or salicylo Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from salicyl salicyloyl : related to salicylic acid salicylamide … Useful english dictionary
Salicyl-alcohol beta-D-glucosyltransferase — In enzymology, a salicyl alcohol beta D glucosyltransferase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:UDP glucose + salicyl alcohol ightleftharpoons UDP + salicinThus, the two substrates of this enzyme are UDP… … Wikipedia
salicyl alcohol beta-D-glucopyranoside — Salicin Sal i*cin, n. [L. salix, icis, a willow: cf. F. salicine. See {Sallow} the tree.] (Chem.) A glucoside found in the bark and leaves of several species of willow ({Salix}) and poplar, and extracted as a bitter white crystalline substance.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
salicyl alcohol glucoside — Salicin Sal i*cin, n. [L. salix, icis, a willow: cf. F. salicine. See {Sallow} the tree.] (Chem.) A glucoside found in the bark and leaves of several species of willow ({Salix}) and poplar, and extracted as a bitter white crystalline substance.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
salicyl alcohol — salicilo alkoholis statusas T sritis chemija formulė HOC₆H₄CH₂OH atitikmenys: angl. salicyl alcohol; saligenin rus. салигенин; салициловый спирт ryšiai: sinonimas – saligeninas sinonimas – 2 hidroksifenilmetanolis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
salicyl alcohol — ˈsaləsə̇l noun Etymology: salicyl salicyloyl, from French salicyle, from salicine + yle yl : saligenin … Useful english dictionary
salicyl — The acyl radical of salicylic acid. s. aldehyde obtained from Spirea ulmaria (meadow sweet), and made synthetically; used as a diuretic and antiseptic, and in perfumery. SYN: salicylic aldehyde … Medical dictionary