Смотреть что такое "salicin" в других словарях:
Salicin — [zu lateinisch salix, salicis »Weide«] das, s, in Rinde und Blättern von Weiden und Pappeln vorkommendes, bitter schmeckendes Glucosid des Salicylalkohols; farblose kristalline Substanz, die aus den Baumrinden durch Extraktion mit heißem Wasser … Universal-Lexikon
Salicin — Sal i*cin, n. [L. salix, icis, a willow: cf. F. salicine. See {Sallow} the tree.] (Chem.) A glucoside found in the bark and leaves of several species of willow ({Salix}) and poplar, and extracted as a bitter white crystalline substance. also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Salicin — (Weidenbitter), C26H18O14, krystallisirbarer sogenannter indifferenter Stoff, welcher sich in der Rinde verschiedener Weiden u. Pappelarten, wie Salix helix, S. purpurea, S. alba, S. amygdalina, Populus tremula, P. alba, P. graeca mit Populin u.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Salicin — Salicin, sehr bitter schmeckendes Alkaloid, das in der Rinde u. den Blättern der meisten Weidenarten enthalten ist; officinell … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
salicin — [sal′ə sin] n. [Fr salicine < L salix (gen. salicis), willow, akin to saliva, saliva < IE * salik < base * sal , gray > OE sol, dark, dirty, sealh, willow] a bitter, white, crystalline or powdery glucoside, HOCH2C6H4OC6H11O5, obtained … English World dictionary
Salicin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Salicin Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Salicin — chembox new ImageFile = Salicin perspective 2D skeletal.png ImageSize = ImageFile1 = Salicin 3D balls.png ImageSize1 = IUPACName = SystematicName = (2 R ,3 S ,4 S ,5 R ,6 S ) 2 (hydroxymethyl) 6 [2 (hydroxymethyl) phenoxy] oxane 3,4,5 triol… … Wikipedia
salicin willow — baltasis gluosnis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Gluosninių šeimos vaistinis, medingas augalas (Salix alba), paplitęs Europoje ir Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Salix alba angl. common willow; salicin willow; white willow vok. Dotter Weide;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
salicin — noun Etymology: French salicine, from Latin salic , salix willow more at sallow Date: 1830 a bitter white crystalline glucoside C13H18O7 found in the bark and leaves of several willows and poplars and used in medicine like salicylic acid … New Collegiate Dictionary
salicin — /sal euh sin/, n. Pharm. a colorless, crystalline, water soluble glucoside, C13H18O7, obtained from the bark of the American aspen: used in medicine chiefly as an antipyretic and analgesic. Also called salicyl alcohol glucoside /sal euh sil/.… … Universalium
salicin — noun A glucoside derivative of salicylic acid; the active principle of willow bark, once used medicinally … Wiktionary