Смотреть что такое "sale-and-purchase" в других словарях:
sale and purchase agreement — UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION SPA) LAW ► a legal agreement that a buyer will buy a product or service and a seller will sell it: »They sued the contractor to recover the $50,000 they put down when they signed a sale and purchase agreement on their … Financial and business terms
sale and purchase agreement — See acquisition agreement Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 … Law dictionary
Number of Agreements for Sale and Purchase of Building Units — The Number of Agreements for Sale and Purchase of Building Units (住宅及非住宅樓宇買賣合約統計數字) is a turnover statistic provided by the Land Registry of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Sales of residential units refer to private treaty sale and… … Wikipedia
Sale-and-leaseback — A sale and leaseback [ [ and leaseback.html sale and leaseback Definition ] ] is typically a commercial real estate transaction in which one party, often a corporation, sells its corporate real estate assets to… … Wikipedia
sale and leaseback — A lease that is initiated when a firm sells an asset it owns to another firm and simultaneously leases the asset back for its own use. A sale of an asset to a vendee who immediately leases back to the vendor. The usual objectives are (1) to free… … Black's law dictionary
Hire and purchase agreement — Hire purchase Hire purchase, or, more fully, Hire purchase agreement Hire purchase agreement, or Hire and purchase agreement Hire and purchase agreement (Law) A contract (more fully called contract of hire with an option of purchase) in which a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bargain sale or purchase — A sale of property for less than the fair market value of such property. The difference between the sale or purchase price and the fair market value of the property is required to be accounted for in terms of its tax consequences. Bargain sales… … Black's law dictionary
bargain sale or purchase — A sale of property for less than the fair market value of such property. The difference between the sale or purchase price and the fair market value of the property is required to be accounted for in terms of its tax consequences. Bargain sales… … Black's law dictionary
Purchase agreement — As used in connection with project financing, an agreement to purchase a specific amount of project output per period. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * purchase agreement purchase agreement ➔ agreement * * * purchase agreement UK US… … Financial and business terms
purchase agreement — Used in connection with project financing; an agreement to purchase a specific amount of project output per period. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * purchase agreement purchase agreement ➔ agreement * * * purchase agreement UK US noun [C]… … Financial and business terms
SALE — (Heb. מְכִירָה, mekhirah). Sale may be defined as the permanent transfer for consideration of existing legal rights from one person to another. The consideration may be in money or in kind. By extension the term sale is also used to denote a… … Encyclopedia of Judaism