sale on credit
Смотреть что такое "sale on credit" в других словарях:
sale on credit — A sale of property accompanied by delivery of possession, but where payment of the price is deferred to a future day. See credit; also, installment sale, above … Black's law dictionary
sale — n 1 a: the transfer of title to property from one party to another for a price; also: the contract of such a transaction see also short 1 2 compare barter, donation … Law dictionary
sale — An agreement between a buyer and a seller on the price to be paid for a security, followed by delivery. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * sale sale [seɪl] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE the act of selling someone property, food, or… … Financial and business terms
sale — A contract between two parties, called, respectively, the seller (or vendor) and the buyer (or purchaser), by which the former, in consideration of the payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money, transfers to the latter the title… … Black's law dictionary
credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black's law dictionary
credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black's law dictionary
SALÉ — La ville marocaine de Salé (Sl ) est située sur la côte atlantique, à l’embouchure de l’oued Bou Regreg, face à Rabat. Les origines de la ville sont mal connues et se situent sans doute au XIe siècle. Très active au XIIIe siècle, elle est alors… … Encyclopédie Universelle
credit bid — USA credit bid, Also known as credit bidding. The right of a secured creditor under the Bankruptcy Code to use its secured claim against a debtor as currency in an auction of its collateral in a debtor s Section 363 sale (§ 363(k) … Law dictionary
credit bidding — USA credit bid, Also known as credit bidding. The right of a secured creditor under the Bankruptcy Code to use its secured claim against a debtor as currency in an auction of its collateral in a debtor s Section 363 sale (§ 36 … Law dictionary
credit sales — [plural] ► ACCOUNTING the sums of money that a company shows in its accounts for sales of products that buyers have agreed to pay for in the future: »At year end credit sales amounted to £1,300. Main Entry: ↑credit sale … Financial and business terms
credit transactions — In the context of directors loans a hire purchase or conditional sale agreement, a lease or hire agreement or the supply of goods or services on deferred credit terms (Section 330 344 Companies Act 1985). Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law… … Law dictionary