sale of pledge

sale of pledge
продажа залога

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sale of pledge" в других словарях:

  • pledge — 1 / plej/ n 1: a delivery of esp. personal property as security for a debt or other obligation; broadly: the perfection of a security interest in collateral through possession of the collateral by a creditor or other promisee 2 a: property and… …   Law dictionary

  • PLEDGE — The Concept In Jewish law, in addition to the personal right of action against the debtor, the creditor also has a right of lien on   the latter s property. This lien automatically comes into being when the debt is created and is termed aḥarayut… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Pledge (law) — In law a pledge (also pawn) is a bailment of personal property as a security for some debt or engagement [Joseph Story, Story on Bailments , 286.] The term is also used to denote the property which constitutes the security.Pledge is the pignus of …   Wikipedia

  • pledge — A bailment of personal property as security for a debt or obligation, redeemable upon terms and with the implied power of sale on default. 41 Am J1st Pldg & Col § 2. The Roman name applicable to a contract of pledge or pawn was pignus or vadium.… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Bill of sale — A bill of sale is a legal document made by a seller to a purchaser , reporting that on a specific date, at a specific locality, and for a particular sum of money or other value received , the seller sold to the purchaser a specific item of… …   Wikipedia

  • Magic Kingdom for Sale — SOLD!   …   Wikipedia

  • Bargain and sale — Bargain Bar gain, n. [OE. bargayn, bargany, OF. bargaigne, bargagne, prob. from a supposed LL. barcaneum, fr. barca a boat which carries merchandise to the shore; hence, to traffic to and fro, to carry on commerce in general. See {Bark} a vessel …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nemo dat quod non habet — a person cannot grant a better title than he himself has. This principle (which applies across English property law) is embodied in the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) applying to the whole of the UK. Thus, a sale by a non owner will confer… …   Law dictionary

  • purchase — pur·chase 1 vb pur·chased, pur·chas·ing vt 1: to acquire (real property) by means other than descent or inheritance 2: to obtain by paying money or giving other valuable consideration; specif: to take (property) by a voluntary transaction (as a… …   Law dictionary

  • transfer — verb To convey or remove from one place, person, etc., to another; pass or hand over from one to another; specifically, to change over the possession or control of (as, to transfer a title to land). To sell or give. Chappell v. State, 216 Ind.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Direct holding system — The direct holding system is a traditional system of securities clearance, settlement and ownership in which owners of securities had a direct relationship with the issuer. Investors would either be recorded on the issuer s register or be in… …   Wikipedia

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