salary schedule
Смотреть что такое "salary schedule" в других словарях:
salary — Uku hana. ♦ To pay salary, uku hana. ♦ Salary schedule, papa kuhikuhi uku … English-Hawaiian dictionary
schedule of contributions — The trustees of a salary related pension scheme (salary related scheme) must ensure that they have in place a schedule of contributions at all times. This must be agreed with the participating employers and must show separately the contributions… … Law dictionary
General Schedule — (or GS) is the name used to describe a payscale utilized by the majority of white collar personnel in the civil service of the federal government of the United States. The GS was enacted into law by the Classification Act of 1949, which replaced… … Wikipedia
Federal salary council — The Federal Salary Council (FSC) is an advisory body of the Executive Branch of the United States Government. The FSC was established under the provisions of Title 5, United States Code, Section 5304(e)(1) to provide recommendations on the… … Wikipedia
executive and administrative schedule — (EAS) A salary structure that applies to most managerial and administrative USPS employees … Glossary of postal terms
Sheriffs in the United States — Deputy sheriff, Mogollon, New Mexico in 1940 … Wikipedia
South Arkansas Community College — (SouthARK) is a public, two year institution located in El Dorado, Arkansas with an open door policy, providing educational programs, services, and resources for the residents of Union County and the surrounding area. With a philosophy that… … Wikipedia
Poudre School District — The Poudre School District (R 1) is K 12 public school district in Larimer County in northern Colorado. The district operates and manages the public schools in the city of Fort Collins, as well as in the tows of Wellington and Timnath, and… … Wikipedia
Chicago Housing Authority Police Department — Chicago Housing Authority Police patch The Chicago Housing Authority Police Department, also known as the CHAPD, was created as a supplement to the Chicago Police Department (the CPD), to provide dedicated police services to the residents of one… … Wikipedia
Oklahoma Department of Corrections — Agency overview Formed May 8, 1967 Preceding agency Oklahoma Commissioner of Charities and Corrections Headquarters … Wikipedia
Political positions of Mar Roxas — Senator Mar Roxas has taken positions on many national issues, including votes and remarks, since his election as senator during the 2004 Philippine electionsCurrent issues2007 Glorietta explosionHe said that the bombing can affect the advance of … Wikipedia