
сущ. салатница Syn : salad-bowl, salad bowl

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "salad-dish" в других словарях:

  • salad — [sal′əd] n. [ME salat < MFr salade < Prov salada < VL * salata < fem. pp. of * salare, to salt < L sal, SALT] 1. a dish, usually cold, of raw or sometimes cooked vegetables or fruits in various combinations, served with a dressing …   English World dictionary

  • Salad — Sal ad (s[a^]l ad), n. [F. salade, OIt. salata, It. insalata, fr. salare to salt, fr. L. sal salt. See {Salt}, and cf. {Slaw}.] 1. A preparation of vegetables, as lettuce, celery, water cress, onions, etc., usually dressed with salt, vinegar, oil …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Salad burnet — Salad Sal ad (s[a^]l ad), n. [F. salade, OIt. salata, It. insalata, fr. salare to salt, fr. L. sal salt. See {Salt}, and cf. {Slaw}.] 1. A preparation of vegetables, as lettuce, celery, water cress, onions, etc., usually dressed with salt,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • salad — [n] dish of vegetables coleslaw, fruit salad, greens, mixed greens, potato salad, tossed salad, Waldorf salad; concept 431 …   New thesaurus

  • salad — late 14c., from O.Fr. salade (14c.), from V.L. *salata, lit. salted, short for herba salata salted vegetables (vegetables seasoned with brine, a popular Roman dish), from fem. pp. of *salare to salt, from L. sal (gen. salis) salt (see SALT (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • salad — ► NOUN ▪ a cold dish of raw vegetables. ORIGIN Old French salade, from Latin sal salt …   English terms dictionary

  • salad — sal·ad (săl’əd) n. 1. a) A dish of raw leafy green vegetables, often tossed with pieces of other raw or cooked vegetables, fruit, cheese, or other ingredients and served with a dressing. b) The course of a meal consisting of this dish. 2. A cold… …   Word Histories

  • salad — /sal euhd/, n. 1. a usually cold dish consisting of vegetables, as lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, covered with a dressing and sometimes containing seafood, meat, or eggs. 2. any of various dishes consisting of foods, as meat, seafood, eggs,… …   Universalium

  • salad — sal•ad [[t]ˈsæl əd[/t]] n. 1) coo a cold dish of raw vegetables, as lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, served with a dressing, sometimes with meat, cheese, etc., added 2) coo a dish of any of various raw or cold cooked foods, usu. sliced or… …   From formal English to slang

  • salad — /ˈsæləd / (say saluhd) noun 1. a dish of uncooked vegetables, typically served with a savoury dressing. 2. any of various raw or cooked foods served cold, usually cut up and mixed with a dressing: fruit salad; potato salad. 3. any of various… …  

  • salad plate — noun a plate or bowl for individual servings of salad • Syn: ↑salad bowl • Hypernyms: ↑plate * * * noun 1. : a plate about seven inches in diameter chiefly for individual servings of salad 2. : a salad mixture on a bed of lettuce served as a main …   Useful english dictionary

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