sake II
Смотреть что такое "sake II" в других словарях:
saké — saké … Dictionnaire des rimes
Sake — in verschiedenen Gefäßen, rechts in einem Masu Sake (jap. 酒, /sɑ.kɛ/) ist im Okzident ein Synonym für Reiswein, ein klares oder weißlich trübes alkoholisches Getränk aus Japan mit ca. 15–20 Volumenprozent … Deutsch Wikipedia
sake — [ seık ] noun count usually singular ** 1. ) the benefit or good of someone or something: for someone s sake: We hope for her sake that the wedding goes as planned. for the sake of something: The regulation is not just for the protection of the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
saké — [ sake ] n. m. • 1882; saki 1878; mot jap. ♦ Boisson alcoolisée obtenue par fermentation du riz, dite aussi bière de riz. Le saké se boit tiède ou chaud. ⊗ HOM. Sacquer. ● saké nom masculin (japonais sake) Boisson alcoolique (entre 11 et 17 %)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sake — (s[=a]k), n. [OE. sake cause, also, lawsuit, fault, AS. sacu strife, a cause or suit at law; akin to D. zaak cause, thing, affair, G. sache thing, cause in law, OHG. sahha, Icel. s[ o]k, Sw. sak, Dan. sag, Goth. sakj[=o] strife, AS. sacan to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sake — SAKÉ s.n. Băutură alcoolică specifică Japoniei, făcută din orez fermentat, care se bea, de obicei, cald. – Din fr. saké. Trimis de LauraGellner, 17.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 SAKÉ n. Băutură alcoolică japoneză, preparată din orez fermentat, care se … Dicționar Român
sake — The standard forms are for appearances sake, for Christ s (or God s etc.) sake, for old times sake, with a singular or plural possessive form for the preceding noun. Practice varies in for conscience (or conscience s) sake and for goodness (or… … Modern English usage
sake — Ⅰ. sake [1] ► NOUN 1) (for the sake of) for the purpose of or in the interest of. 2) (for the sake of) out of consideration for or in order to help. 3) (for old times sake) in memory of former times. 4) ( … English terms dictionary
sake — sake1 [sāk] n. [ME < OE sacu, cause or suit at law, contention, akin to Ger sache, thing, affair < IE base * sāg , to investigate > SEEK, L sagire, to perceive, find, sagax, sharply discerning] 1. purpose or reason; motive; cause [for… … English World dictionary
sake — sȁke m <indekl.> DEFINICIJA nacionalno piće u Japanu dobiveno alkoholnim vrenjem riže ETIMOLOGIJA jap. sake … Hrvatski jezični portal
šakė — šãkė dkt. Patogi̇̀ ir tvirtà dar̃žininko šãkė … Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas