- sailorly
- ˈseɪləlɪ прил. характерный для моряка, моряцкий, подобающий моряку
подобающий моряку;
характерный для моряка;
моряцкий sailorly ловкий;
способный ~ характерный для моряка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sailorly — sail·or·ly || seɪlÉ™(r)lɪ adj. pertaining to a sailor, pertaining to a mariner, pertaining to one who works on a ship … English contemporary dictionary
sailorly — sail·or·ly … English syllables
sailorly — /ˈseɪləli/ (say sayluhlee) adjective like or befitting a sailor …
sailorly — adjective : having the characteristics of a sailor … Useful english dictionary
sailor — sailorlike, adj. sailorly, adj. /say leuhr/, n. 1. a person whose occupation is sailing or navigation; mariner. 2. a seaman below the rank of officer. 3. a naval enlistee. 4. a person adept at sailing, esp. with reference to freedom from… … Universalium
sailorlike — adjective Resembling a sailor or some aspect of one. Syn: sailorly … Wiktionary
smack — 1. noun /smæk/ a) A distinct flavour. He was not sailorly, and yet he had a smack of the sea about him too. b) A slight trace of something; a smattering. 2. verb /smæk/ a) To indicate or suggest something … Wiktionary
seem. — seemännisch EN seemanlike, sailorly … Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen
sailor — noun a person who works as a member of the crew of a commercial or naval ship or boat, especially one who is below the rank of officer. ↘a person who sails as a sport or recreation. ↘(a good/bad sailor) a person who rarely (or often) becomes… … English new terms dictionary
maritime — adj 1. sea, oceanic, Neptunian, aquatic; marine, thalassic, pelagic; bathyal, deep sea, bathypelagic, benthic; hydrographic, oceanographic, bathymetrical. 2. nautical, naval, seamanlike, seamanly, sailorly, Inf. salty; seafaring, seagoing,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
nautical — / naval [adj] concerning ships, sea abyssal, aquatic, boating, cruising, deep sea, marine, maritime, navigating, navigational, oceangoing, oceanic, oceanographic, pelagic, rowing, sailing, sailorly, salty, seafaring, seagoing, sea loving,… … New thesaurus