Смотреть что такое "sailor-man" в других словарях:
sailor-man — sailˈor man noun A seaman • • • Main Entry: ↑sail … Useful english dictionary
Sailor Neptune — Sailor Moon character Michiru in her Super Sailor Neptune form as seen in the anime. First appearance (See below) … Wikipedia
Sailor Moon R: The Movie — Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara Produced by Iriya Azuma Screenplay by Sukehiro Tomita Based on … Wikipedia
Sailor Venus — Sailor Moon and Codename: Sailor V character Minako in her Super Sailor Venus form as seen in the anime First appearance ( … Wikipedia
Sailor Jupiter — Sailor Moon character Makoto in her Super Sailor Jupiter form as seen in the anime. First appearance (See below) … Wikipedia
Sailor Moon — Originaltitel 美少女戦士セーラームーン Transkription Bishōjo Senshi Sērā Mūn … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sailor Steve — is a character from the Lethargic Lad comic book. He is best described as a thin white male who dresses in Sailor Moon outfits. Among North American Otaku, or those who hate them, Sailor Steve can also refer to any man who participates in cosplay … Wikipedia
Sailor — Album par Steve Miller Sortie Janvier 1969 Enregistrement 1968 Durée 34 : 33 Genre Rock Producteur Gly … Wikipédia en Français
Man (band) — Man Origin Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales Genres Progressive rock Pub rock Years active 1968–1976 1983–present Associated acts Dire Straits … Wikipedia
sailor — [sā′lər] n. [ME sailer] 1. a person who makes a living by sailing; mariner; seaman 2. a) an enlisted man in the navy b) any person in the navy 3. a person sailing on a vessel, as affected by seasickness [a good or bad sailor] … English World dictionary
man — [man] n. pl. men [men] [ME < OE mann, akin to Ger mann, Goth manna < IE base * manu (> Sans mánu , Russ muž): akin ? to * men , to think > MIND] 1. a human being; person; specif., a) a hominid (Homo sapiens) having an opposable thumb … English World dictionary