Смотреть что такое "sailcloth" в других словарях:
Sailcloth — Sail cloth , n. Duck or canvas used in making sails. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sailcloth — ► NOUN 1) canvas or other strong fabric used for making sails. 2) a similar fabric used for making durable clothes … English terms dictionary
sailcloth — [sālklôth΄, sālkläth΄] n. long fibered canvas or other cloth used in making sails, tents, etc … English World dictionary
Sailcloth — Sails have been made from cloth for all of recorded history. Typically sails were made from flax (linen), hemp or cotton in various forms including canvas. However, modern sails are rarely made from natural fibers. Most sails are made from… … Wikipedia
sailcloth — [[t]se͟ɪlklɒθ, AM klɔːθ[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Sailcloth a strong heavy cloth that is used for making things such as sails or tents. The mainsails are hand cut and sewn from real sailcloth. 2) N UNCOUNT Sailcloth is a light canvas material that is… … English dictionary
sailcloth — noun Date: 13th century a heavy canvas used for sails, tents, or upholstery; also a lightweight canvas used for clothing … New Collegiate Dictionary
sailcloth — /sayl klawth , kloth /, n. 1. any of various fabrics, as of cotton, nylon, or Dacron, for boat sails or tents. 2. a lightweight canvas or canvaslike fabric used esp. for clothing and curtains. [1175 1225; ME saylclath; see SAIL, CLOTH] * * * … Universalium
sailcloth — noun A strong, durable fabric suitable for making sails for ships or boats. This term can be used even when the fabric is used for other purposes … Wiktionary
sailcloth — sail|cloth [ seıl,klaθ ] noun uncount a strong cloth originally made of cotton, used for making sails and tents … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sailcloth — n. type of heavy canvas fabric used to make sails … English contemporary dictionary
sailcloth — noun a canvas or other strong fabric used for making sails. ↘a similar fabric used for making durable clothes … English new terms dictionary