Смотреть что такое "sail-cloth" в других словарях:
Sail cloth — Sail cloth, s.u. Leinwand … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sail|cloth — «SAYL KLTH, KLOTH», noun. 1. canvas or other sturdy material used for making sails and tents. 2. = tarpaulin. (Cf. ↑tarpaulin) … Useful english dictionary
sail-cloth — n. Duck, canvas … New dictionary of synonyms
Sail — A sail is any type of surface intended to generate thrust by being placed in a wind mdash;in essence a vertically oriented wing. Sails are used in sailing.History of sailsThe ships built at around 10,000 BC were just crude log rafts or dug out… … Wikipedia
sail — sailable, adj. sailless, adj. /sayl/, n. 1. an area of canvas or other fabric extended to the wind in such a way as to transmit the force of the wind to an assemblage of spars and rigging mounted firmly on a hull, raft, iceboat, etc., so as to… … Universalium
cloth — clothlike, adj. /klawth, kloth/, n., pl. cloths /klawdhz, klodhz, klawths, kloths/, adj. n. 1. a fabric formed by weaving, felting, etc., from wool, hair, silk, flax, cotton, or other fiber, used for garments, upholstery, and many other items. 2 … Universalium
cloth — Synonyms and related words: act drop, asbestos, asbestos board, backdrop, batten, boltrope, border, canonicals, canvas, ceremonial attire, clericals, clew, coulisse, counterweight, cringle, crowd of sail, curtain, curtain board, cyclorama, decor … Moby Thesaurus
Sail-plan — A sail plan is a set of drawings, usually prepared by a naval architect. It shows the various combinations of sail proposed for a sailing ship.The combinations shown in a sail plan almost always include three configurations:A light air sail plan … Wikipedia
sail — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. cruise, voyage; set sail; navigate, traverse. See navigation. n. canvas; moonsail, moon raker; jib, foresail, lateen, lug, mainsail, mizzen, spanker, topsail. See ship. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Means of … English dictionary for students
sail — Synonyms and related words: aeroplane, airlift, airplane, balloon, balloon sail, batten, be airborne, be effortless, be painless, boat, boltrope, breeze, canoe, canvas, carry sail, circumnavigate, clew, cloth, coast, course, cringle, cross,… … Moby Thesaurus
sail — sail1 S3 [seıl] v 1.) [I always +adverb/preposition, T] to travel on or across an area of water in a boat or ship sail across/into/out of etc ▪ the first Europeans to sail across the Atlantic ▪ Three tall ships sailed past. ▪ She always wanted to … Dictionary of contemporary English