- safing
- косм. аварийный, запасной (об устройстве и т. п.) (космонавтика) аварийный, запасной (об устройстве и т. п.) - * procedure процедура восстановления безопасности (корабля)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
safing — As applied to weapons and ammunition, the changing from a state of readiness for initiation to a safe condition. Also called de arming … Military dictionary
safing — present part of safe … Useful english dictionary
safing and arming mechanism — A mechanism whose primary purpose is to prevent an unintended functioning of the main charge of the ammunition prior to completion of the arming delay and, in turn, allow the explosive train of the ammunition to function after arming … Military dictionary
SCDA — Safing, Cooldown, & Decontamnation Area NASA … Acronyms
SCDA — Safing, Cooldown, & Decontamnation Area ( > NASA Acronym List ) … Acronyms von A bis Z
Nuclear weapon design — The first nuclear weapons, though large, cumbersome and inefficient, provided the basic design building blocks of all future weapons. Here the Gadget device is prepared for the first nuclear test: Trinity. Nuclear weapon designs are physical,… … Wikipedia
aircraft monitoring and control — That equipment installed in aircraft to permit monitoring and control of safing, arming, and fuzing functions of nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon systems … Military dictionary
de-arming — An operation in which a weapon is changed from a state of readiness for initiation to a safe condition. Also called safing. See also arm or de arm … Military dictionary
UGM-27 Polaris — The Polaris missile was a submarine launched, two stage solid fuel nuclear armed ballistic missile (SLBM) built during the Cold War by Lockheed for the United States Navy. It was designed to be used as part of the US Navy s contribution to the… … Wikipedia
Pseudo-anglicism — Pseudo anglicisms are words in languages other than English which were borrowed from English but are used in a way native English speakers would not readily recognize or understand. Pseudo anglicisms often take the form of portmanteau words,… … Wikipedia
Pyrotechnics — The term pyrotechnics can also be used for fireworks events. Pyrotechnics is the science of materials capable of undergoing self contained and self sustained exothermic chemical reactions for the production of heat, light, gas, smoke and/or sound … Wikipedia