- safetypin
- ˈseɪftɪpɪn n безопасная, английская булавка safetypin безопасная, английская булавка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
safetypin — safety pin n. 1. A pin in the form of a clasp, having a sheath to cover and hold the point. 2. A pin that prevents the premature or accidental detonation of an explosive device, such as a bomb or grenade. * * * … Universalium
ATM SafetyPIN software — is a proposed software application that would allow users of automated teller machines (ATMs) to alert the police of a forced cash withdrawal by entering their personal identification number (PIN) in reverse order. [ [http://www.zicubedatm.com/… … Wikipedia
Graham Taylor (footballer) — Graham Taylor Personal information Full name Graham Taylor Date of birth 15 September 1944 ( … Wikipedia
Duress code — A duress code is a covert signal used by an individual that is under duress to indicate their state. The term duress code typically refers to a signal embedded in normal communication, such as a word or phrase used during conversation to alert… … Wikipedia
Эндрюс, Джерри — Джерри Эндрюс англ. Jerry Andrus … Википедия