Смотреть что такое "safety-first" в других словарях:
Safety First — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Safety First peut faire référence à : Safety First, deuxième album de l artiste française Le Prince Miiaou sorti en 2009. au titre de différents… … Wikipédia en Français
Safety-First Rule — Within the context of post modern and modern portfolio theory, a safety first rule involves creating a portfolio based on a minimum level of portfolio returns, which is called the minimum acceptable return. By setting up a minimum acceptable… … Investment dictionary
safety first — /seɪfti ˈfɜst/ (say sayftee ferst) noun the policy of ensuring physical safety before all other considerations, sometimes used as a slogan …
Safety first — Sikkerhed først … Danske encyklopædi
safety first — used to advise caution … Useful english dictionary
Roy's safety-first criterion — is a risk management technique that allows you to select one portfolio over another based on the criteria that the probability of the return of the portfolios falling below a minimum desired threshold is minimized.In other words, say you have two … Wikipedia
Your Safety First — Infobox Film name = Your safety first imdb rating = imdb id = 0498133 director = George Gordon writer = Norman Wright starring = producer = Automobile Manufacturers of America editing = music = cinematography = distributor = Automobile… … Wikipedia
Roy's Safety-First Criterion - SFRatio — An approach to investment decisions that sets a minimum required return for a given level of risk. The Roy s safety first criterion allows portfolios to be compared based on the probability that their returns will fall below this minimum desired… … Investment dictionary
safety — c.1300, from O.Fr. sauvete, earlier salvetet (11c.), from M.L. salvitatem (nom. salvitas) safety, from L. salvus (see SAFE (Cf. safe)). Meaning trigger lock on a gun is attested from 1881. As a N.Amer. football position, first recorded 1881.… … Etymology dictionary
safety — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ added, extra, greater, increased ▪ The seat is bolted in place for added safety. ▪ comparative, reasonable, relative … Collocations dictionary
safety — n. security 1) to assure smb. s safety 2) to jeopardize smb. s safety 3) industrial; public safety 4) in safety (to live in safety) 5) (misc.) a margin of safety; safety first! device that prevents accidental discharge of a firearm 6) to set the… … Combinatory dictionary