safety level
Смотреть что такое "safety level" в других словарях:
safety level — patikimumo lygis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nenumatytų atvejų lygis, kuris įvertinamas skaičiuojant įmokų reikalavimo iš valstybių narių sumas. atitikmenys: angl. safety level šaltinis NATO mokymų ir pratybų finansavimo terminų žodynas… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
safety level of supply — The quantity of materiel, in addition to the operating level of supply, required to be on hand to permit continuous operations in the event of minor interruption of normal replenishment or unpredictable fluctuations in demand. See also level of… … Military dictionary
variable safety level — See safety level of supply … Military dictionary
level of supply — The quantity of supplies or materiel authorized or directed to be held in anticipation of future demands. See also operating level of supply; order and shipping time; procurement lead time; requisitioning objective; safety level of supply;… … Military dictionary
Safety culture — is a term often used to describe the way in which safety is managed in the workplace, and often reflects the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values that employees share in relation to safety (Cox and Cox, 1991). Defining Safety CultureThe… … Wikipedia
Safety climate — is a term commonly used to describe the sum of employees’ perceptions regarding overall safety within their organization. Much debate still continues over the definition and application of safety climate as the term is still used interchangeable… … Wikipedia
Safety stock — is a term used to describe a level of stock that is maintained below the cycle stock to buffer against stock outs.Safety Stock or Buffer Stock, exists to counter uncertainties in supply and demand. [Inverntory Management Review. Charles Atkins on … Wikipedia
Safety engineering — is an applied science strongly related to systems engineering and the subset System Safety Engineering. Safety engineering assures that a life critical system behaves as needed even when pieces fail.In the real world the term safety engineering… … Wikipedia
Safety Integrity Level — (SIL) is defined as a relative level of risk reduction provided by a safety function, or to specify a target level of risk reduction. In simple terms, SIL is a measurement of performance required for a Safety Instrumented Function (SIF).Four SIL… … Wikipedia
Safety — is the state of being safe (from French sauf ), the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage,… … Wikipedia
Safety Integrity Level — (SIL) определяет соответствующий уровень уменьшения опасности от возникновения аварий и катастроф, обеспечиваемый функционалом средств и систем повышенной безопасности или указывает целевой уровень уменьшения риска возникновения опасной… … Википедия