- sadism
- ˈseɪdɪzm сущ. садизм садизм sadism садизм
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sadism — SADÍSM s.n. Tendinţă anormală spre cruzime, plăcere bolnăvicioasă de a vedea pe cineva suferind sau de a pricinui suferinţe: cruzime extremă. ♦ spec. Perversiune sexuală manifestată prin plăcerea de a provoca partenerului suferinţe fizice. – Din… … Dicționar Român
Sadism — is the derivation of pleasure as a result of inflicting pain, or watching pain inflicted, on others. Aspects of it include:*Sadomasochism *Sadism and masochism as medical terms *Sadistic personality disorder;See also *Marquis de Sade, an… … Wikipedia
sadism — (n.) love of cruelty, 1888, from Fr. sadisme, from Count Donatien A.F. de Sade (1740 1815). Not a marquis, though usually now called one, he was notorious for cruel sexual practices he described in his novels … Etymology dictionary
sadism — ► NOUN ▪ the tendency to derive sexual gratification or general pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others. DERIVATIVES sadist noun sadistic adjective sadistically adverb. ORIGIN French sadisme, from the name of the French … English terms dictionary
sadism — [sā′diz΄əm, sad′iz΄əm] n. [Fr, after SADE Marquis de] 1. the getting of sexual pleasure from dominating, mistreating, or hurting one s partner 2. the getting of pleasure from inflicting physical or psychological pain on another or others: Cf.… … English World dictionary
Sadism — Just as with its mirror image masochism, sadism has come to have three meanings: (1) the voluntary infliction of suffering; (2) in psychoanalysis, a compulsive kind of personality characterized by regression to the anal sadistic phase of… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
sadism — sadist, n., adj. sadistic /seuh dis tik, say , sa /, adj. sadistically, adv. /say diz euhm, sad iz /, n. 1. Psychiatry. sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others. Cf. masochism. 2. any enjoyment in being cruel … Universalium
sadism — n. to display sadism * * * to display sadism … Combinatory dictionary
Sadism — A sadist has come to be thought of as one who delights in cruelty. In psychology, however, sadism is the association of sexual gratification with the infliction of pain on others. The word was derived from the name of Count Donatien Alphonse… … Dictionary of eponyms
sadism — [[t]se͟ɪdɪzəm[/t]] N UNCOUNT Sadism is a type of behaviour in which a person obtains pleasure from hurting other people and making them suffer physically or mentally. Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from… … English dictionary
sadism — A form of perversion, often sexual in nature, in which a person finds pleasure in inflicting abuse and maltreatment. Cf.:masochism. [Marquis de Sade, 1740–1814, confessedly addicted to the practice] * * * sa·dism sā .diz əm, sad .iz n a sexual… … Medical dictionary