- saddle-shaped surface
- мат. седлообразная поверхность
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
surface — The outer part of any solid. SYN: face (2) [TA], facies (2) [TA]. [F. fr. L. superficius, see superficial] acromial articular s. of clavicle SYN: acromial facet of clavicle. anterior s. [TA] the s. of a … Medical dictionary
saddle joint — noun 1. : a joint formed in sheet metal roofing by bending up the edge of a sheet and folding it downward over the turned up edge of the next sheet 2. : a joint in a weathered course of masonry (as a coping or sill) between adjoining stones whose … Useful english dictionary
Saddle — Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather, padded to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle bar — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle gall — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle girth — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saddle horse — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle joint — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saddle oyster — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle roof — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle shell — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English